Chapter 29- Boutique

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The past couple days had been spent on me going around the pack and meeting the new people. They all seemed friendly and genuinely happy to see Allison and me going around and making an effort to get to know them. 

They had quaint little diners, some small shops, there was one bookstore. All the people had been pleasant. Allison had thought so too. She'd been more than happy to go around with me to meet the new additions to our pack as well. 

"How about we go in here?" Allison asked pulling me toward a small boutique. 

I inwardly cringed knowing that she didn't just have meeting people on her mind. She wanted to shop. I had no problem with her wanting to shop. I mean she was a girl and totally entitled to it, I just had this feeling that she was going to drag me all throughout the small shop while she tried on every article of clothing that caught her eye. Which was odd because she hadn't been much of a shopper. 

As soon as we opened the door and stepped in, there was a cheerful blond woman who stepped out from behind some racks. 

"Good afternoon, Alpha, Luna." She looked slightly surprised and a little shy. "Is there anything I can do for you?"

"We were just making the rounds. We want to get to know all of the new additions. And I believe Allison was wanting to look around."

Allison just smiled and nodded. Okay, I could put up with following her around and carrying bags of clothes as long as I saw that smile. She'd come so far from the closed off person she'd been when I got her back. I would do anything to keep that smile there. 

"Well please look around," the woman said with a grand gesture. I recognized her as one of the people who had come up to me after the ceremony to congratulate me and shake my hand. 

I started to follow Allison around as she looked everything over. 

The woman sneezed. 

"Bless you," Allison said as she flipped through more dresses and skirts before opting for the pants and shirts section. 

After a while I went up front to talk to the woman while Allison looked around. I knew if she needed me for anything she would just call me over. 

"So how long have you been working at the shop?" I asked. 

"Oh, I actually own it. And I'm the only one who works it. It's been open for about three years now. It's done alright, I'm hoping with the conjoining of your pack that maybe business will pick up."

"Well I'm fairly certain we didn't have anything like this, so more people can only be better I would assume. I don't really know much about owning a shop like this or how it all works so I can't say one way or another."

"That doesn't really surprise me." The way the woman said it didn't sound mean or snarky like some would sound. She just genuinely didn't think I would know anything about shops. It's not like I ever needed the business experience in it when I'd known what I was going to do. 

"What do you think, Alarik?" Allison called from the other side of the store. 

I stepped back and turned to look at her. She was standing in an isle wearing short jean shorts and a silky top that stopped just above her belly button. 

I think I want to come back there and take that off you myself, I said directly to her. 

"It looks great," is all I said out loud. 

Allison blushed shifted slightly before turning. Her hair fanned out behind her as she went back to the changing room. 

I really did want to follow her back there and be the one to take that off. 

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