Chapter Six~ Long Trip

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Callie's POV

"Over here now," Zander seethes.

"Fine," I roll my eyes. I'm already in deep shit so might as well dig my grave a little further.

"Devon stand on that side of Issac," Zander says. Zander pushes me to be in between him and Issac and I smile at my current Alpha.

"Callie," he nods looking at Zander and Issac nervously.

"You almost became a victim as well Alpha," I laugh and he looks scared.

"Callie let's not do things to hurt other people," he breaths sitting in his chair.

"I didn't know they'd flip out like that," I shrug.

"On with the meeting," Issac says getting bored with our chitchat.

"Right. I just wanted to make an alliance," Tyler says his voice nervous.

"Yes," I say grabbing a pen from his desk, "where do we sign?" I ask.

"Callie," Zander growls.

"As future Luna I have a say in this stuff too," I say taking the paper from Tyler. I made sure to put Callie Knox as a peace offering which seemed to fix Zander. Issac grabbed the pen and wrote his last name after Knox. Sharp? Sounds right.

"We'll be on our way. Devon get our flight ready," Zander says pulling me out of Tyler's office.

"You little mate need to pack your things," Issac says grabbing my other hand.

"Can we just take my bedroom?" I ask and they don't reply, not even a laugh.

"So when are we gonna do that thing?" I question not wanting to put it out there that my mates were definitely going to beat my ass.

"Once we get home," Zander says. Well great.

"Why not in the comfort of my bedroom?" I ask.

"Would you like me to do that while your family is downstairs?" Zander asks not even looking at me and I shake my head. I guess he's right.

I stay quite as we walk all the way outside. I go to grab my skateboard but I'm pulled away.

"We'll walk or run," Zander says leaving no room for argument.

"Fine let's run then," I state going to take my shirt off.

"No," Issac growls pushing my shirt back down, "you will ride on one of our backs."

"Fine," I mumble as they change, not caring about their clothes.

Both of their wolves are beautiful. Zander is a black with white paw, Issac Grey with white paws, similar to me. But my fur is white with black paws on my right back and front and grey paws on my left back and front. Odd. I get on Zander's back and hold on for dear life as they both take off. I think I might be sick. I've never rode on someone's back and it's like being on a very fast ride at the fair.

Thankfully after only a couple seconds we reach my house, I hop off of Zander and grab the ground as my head spins and I hold my mouth with one hand.

"Maybe we should have told you to close your eyes," Issac mumbles.

"Yeah maybe," I spit out before I throw up right on my mother's favorite roses. Fuck my life.

"Callie! What are you doing?! Get away from my babies!" My mother yells. I swear she has a sixth sense when it comes to her flowers, just like my dad with the thermostat.

"Mom I don't feel so good," I mumble rolling on my back.

"Stop trying to get out of trouble. Go wash the dishes," my mom says her glare almost making me throw up again.

"Fine," I growl at her as I get up. I stomp inside with my two mates following me after putting sweats on of course.

"Stephanie, I think I'm sick," I cry to my older sister who sits at the couch. One thing about Stephanie is that she does care highly about my health.

"Callie what hurts? Have you had a fever?" She questions pushing her phone to the side as she stands.

"I don't know. I just threw up and my head hurts really bad," I put on the fake tears for affect as I touch my head.

"Go to your room and I'll be up in a second with some medicine," she says zooming to the kitchen. I smile and skip up the stares with my two mates following me.

"Such a brat," Issac mumbles as I push open my bedroom door and fall on my bed.

"I'm just using my resources," I state.

"No, your being a lazy brat," Zander states looking at my pictures on the wall.

"I beg to differ," I state crossing my arms.

"Here Cal, take this and let me know if you feel worse," my sisters says coming into the room and hands me two pills and a Dr Pepper can.

"Thank you so much Steph," I smile weakly at her as she leaves with a smile.

"I don't think I've met a bigger liar," Issac laughs as he shuts the door.

"Hey I did throw up so it wasn't technically a lie," I shrug throwing the medicine away and sipping my soda.

"Mhm whatever you say little mate," Zander says his eyes still on my pictures.

"I guess we should start packing," I yawn getting up from the bed.

"We should," Zander states. I grab some suitcases from my closet and throw them on my bed.

First was the closet, then the dresser, then my shelves, then walls. It took about three hours but it was all packed and ready to go. The only thing left was my pink duvet and pillows.

"We need to be going. We have a long drive ahead of us and the pack is waiting," Zander says grabbing three of my suitcases while Issac grabs three and I grab two. It was a lot of stuff.

"How long a drive?" I question.

"18 hours," Issac replies and my eyes instantly widen. 18 hours?! I can barely survive a ten minute car ride. I hope I sleep through most of it.

"Say goodbye and let's go," Zander says walking out of the room, Issac and me close behind.

"Callie," Stephanie growls. She probably talked to mom.

"Goodbye great sister of mine," I say as I hug her.

"Goodbye mom and dad," I hug them.

"Goodbye Logan and Grace, the sister I never had," I hug them at the same time as I can feel the eye roll coming from Stephanie.

"We'll see you soon," my mom says waving at me with a smile.

"Of course," I say not too sure. It was pretty far away. Manchester, New Hampshire to St. Louis, Missouri? I'd like to think the odds of us actually seeing each other often is slim to none.

"Let's go little wolf," Issac says pushing me out the door and into a limo. Thank god. At least I'll be somewhat comfortable. We get in the limo and I make sure to lay across both my mates laps. I was going to try to sleep the entire trip.

Not long after the car had started I drifted into a peaceful sleep. Hopefully I stay like this.

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