Chapter Fourteen~ Where are the babies

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Callie's POV

I woke up to the little pitter patter of feet across our hardwood floor. It had been 2 months since the first check up and I was absolutely huge. I was due in 28 days which would be three months for a human.

"Callie!" Jacob's little squeal made me open my eyes as he jumped onto our bed. He had learned my name and now said it anytime he could.

"Jacob," I whisper pulling him into bed with me between my two mates. They still were fast asleep.

"Hunter?" jacob asks listening to my stomach. We had named the babies. Hunter Jace Knox Sharp and Hayden Jay Knox Sharp.

"Where are babies?" Jacob asked pulling away from my stomach. I look at him confused.

"Jacob! What did I say?" Margret comes rushing into our room scolding jacob.

"Mama where babies?" He asks her.

"In her belly now come on," Margret says trying to pull jacob out of the room.

"Callie babies no talk. Why they no talk?" He asks Margret doesn't say anything just stands there shocked. I look at her in confusion sitting up. That's when I notice it. There's blood all over the bottom half of the duvet.

"Callie come on baby," Margret rushes to me helping me out of the bed to see that the blood had soaked through my bottoms. Tears prick my vision as she rushes me out of the house and into her minivan.

"Everything is going to be okay," Margret tells me as I sob. I hold my stomach hoping that my babies are okay. Just two months ago I didn't want them and now I couldn't wait for them to be here.

We enter the doctor building and instantly a nurse rushes to me with a wheelchair and pushes me to the back. Tons of nurses and doctors are at my side as I sob and scream. Margret tries to calm me but it lands on deaf ears.

After ten minutes of picking and prodding and an ultrasound the doctors and nurses leave the room leaving just one nurse. She smiles at me weakly with tears in her eyes.

"Luna, I'm so sorry," she tells me and Margret to which I sob even harder if that were possible. Margret brings me in for a tight hug as she sniffles, trying to stay strong for me.

"We are going to put you through surgery immediately," the nurse tells me and in walks a couple more nurses. They wheel my bed into a room and before I knew it I was going under anesthetic.

I woke up to the sun shining through the curtains of the hospital room. I look down to see both my mates, one on each side. Sleeping with there heads laid on my bed. They look like they've been crying. I close my eyes. How could this have happened.

I tried so hard. I was so happy. I ate what I was supposed to. I took vitamins like I was told. I did everything right and yet here we are without our babies. Tears cloud my vision and a sob racks my body. I can't do this. They were my everything.

"Baby it's okay," Issac whispers pulling me into his arms. I cry harder in the arms of my mate. What did I do. What did we do to deserve this.

"There's nothing you could have done," zander whispers joining in on our hug. I could have done something. Maybe if I made another appointment before. Maybe if I did this or that. I could have prevented this.

"Alpha, Beta, Luna," a nurse says walking into our room. She had a big smile on her face. How can you smile when there has just been such a tragic loss?

"What?" Zander sighs. Before we can blink in walks a nurse wheeling in a little glass box. Inside was a tiny baby hooked up to wires and tubes.

"This is baby A," the nurse smiles at us. How? What cruel trick are they playing, "Dr. Marshal was able to wake him," the nurse says with tears in her eyes.

The nurse wheels the little box over by my bed where we all look at the tiny baby. He was so cute but looked so miserable. He was hooked up to so many wires. Tears brim my eyes as he yawns.

"Luna I'm sorry but baby B still did not make it," the nurse tells us. My heart breaks at the fact that both my babies did not make it. I sob as Issac and Zander hug me.

"It's alright baby," Issac sniffs. I nod wiping my tears knowing that I'll just have to show this baby twice the amount of love.

"Baby A here should only have to stay a couple days in the NICU before you take him home. Can we get a name for him Luna?" The nurse asks me handing me a paper, his birth certificate. I sign the paper smiling down at the little baby. Hayden Jay Knox Sharp. I hand her the paper and she smiles at me sadly.

"I need you to sign the other one too Luna," her eyes break for me. I smile at her softly. She hands me the other birth certificate and I sign it. Hunter Jace Knox Sharp. Tears brim my eyes but I hold it back.

"We're going to take little Hayden here back to the NICU and we'll let you sleep Luna," the nurse tells me. I smile at her and watch Hayden as he breaths heavily. I lay back down in the bed tears coming to my eyes.

"We'll get through it baby," Zander tells me laying his head on my bed. I nod and fall into a terrible sleep knowing that I'll never get to hold Hunter or see him.

Did you cry? I cried writing it.... Onto the next chapter

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