Chapter Sixteen~ Two Years Later

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Callie's POV

It has been two years now. Two years since the day I thought I lost both my babies but in reality only lost one. I still go through the heartache but it's better now. I don't cry everyday. It was Hayden's second birthday and we were so excited to throw him a party, but I couldn't help but drift off to my other baby.

I walk towards the cemetery with Hayden in my arms. He was a beautiful baby. He had a full head of dark brown hair and pretty hazel eyes. I put him down as we reach his brothers tombstone. He puts the flowers on his grave like we had done every other Sunday.

"Mama," he whispers walking back towards me.

"Yes baby?" I ask bending down as tears cloud my vision.

"It his birthday?" He asks and I nod my head.

"Happy birthday bubba," he whispers kissing the headstone. Tears cascade down my cheeks as I watch Hayden. He never got to meet his brother, but I knew that he loved and missed him just as much as we did.

"You're strong," Issac says coming up behind me. I smile at him as I stand back up.

"Daddy!" Hayden giggled running to Issac. Hayden had almost found it like second nature to have two daddies. He gets more attention that way.

"Are you ready for your party buddy?" Issac asks picking up Hayden.

"Yes!" He exclaims clapping his hands.

"Are you coming cal?" Issac asks turning to walk back to the pack house.

"In a minute," I tell him my eyes still on my babies grave. He doesn't say anything as he walks back to the pack house.

"Just know that mom and daddies love you so much," I whisper kissing his headstone like Hayden. I sigh wiping my tears and make my way back to the house.

Everyone was setting up for the party and seemed very happy about it. I make my way inside to see just how big this cake was. I glance over at the table and sure enough Hayden got his five layers like he wanted. It was paw patrol themed his favorite show to watch with jacob.

"Hey do you want to change him?" Issac asks handing me giggling Hayden. I glare at him but take Hayden and go upstairs to our room.

"Daddy just doesn't know how to change a diaper," I tell Hayden and he just nods at me. After changing him into a fresh diaper we sit on the bed watching an episode of paw patrol.

"Mama, I hear baby," he tells me putting his ear to my stomach. I look at him skeptical. This has happened before.

"What kind of baby?" I ask Hayden. He sticks his tongue out thinking for a moment.

"Two!" He yells excitedly. My eyes widen in fear. Fear of what could happen again.

"Girl or boy?" I ask him to keep him talking about it.

"Boy, two boy," he giggles taking his fist and knocking lightly on my stomach.

"Zander," I say through the mind link hoping that this isn't true. I don't want the same thing to happen again. I won't be able to live through the heart break.

"Callie what is it?" Zander asks breaking into our bedroom as he sees Hayden talking to my stomach. I look at him then glance back down at our son.

"Daddy! Boys!" Hayden yells pointing to my stomach.

"Hayden what are you talking about?" Zander says stepping further into the room.

"I think I need to get an appointment with a doctor," I tell Zander. He nods his head.

"We'll go tomorrow morning," Zander says picking up Hayden.

"Hey! I talk to babies!" Hayden yells at his father as he tries to get out of his hold.

"What about your party?" Zander asks him. His eyes instantly light up.

"Party!" He yells and Zander smiles. I get up and walk down the stairs with Hayden in my arms.

"Daddy! Baby!" Hayden yells as soon as we make in down the stairs where everyone stood. I put my hand over Hayden's mouth as Issac looks at us in confusion. His eyes cloud over and so do Zander's as they mindlink about the current situation.

"It's going to be alright baby," Issac tells me bringing me into his arms. I sniffle slightly. I can't have this happen. Not again.

"Happy birthday Hayden!" Jacob yells rushing for us and that's how the party began. Everyone yelling and having a good time. The kids played while the adults talked or watched tv. It was amazing and my favorite part was watching Hayden open his presents.

"Callie here," Mary says handing me a large box. I unwrap the paper and see it's from Tiffany's. I open the box to see five bracelets. Three that held the names Hayden and Hunter while two that just said the names each.

"You can all wear one and then put hunters with him," Mary whispers as tears collect in my eyes. I place one with both names on my wrist then hand one each to Issac and Zander. They smiled at me but I could see the pain behind their eyes. Even if they acted all tough, I had seen them cry many times over the death of our baby.

"Hayden come here," I say as he was playing with a train. He runs to me, "let me see your hand," I tell him and he instantly listens. I place the small bracelet on his hand. It fits perfectly.

"Mama don't cry," he says kissing my cheek and wiping my tears.

"I'm trying not to baby," I whisper to him, "let's go see bubba," I say standing and picking him up. We walk towards the cemetery with Issac Zander and a couple others following. Once we reach his gravestone I set Hayden on the ground.

"Here give this to your brother," I tell him giving him the bracelet. He smiles as he compares his to his brothers.

"It's okay," Issac says pulling me into his and Zander's arms as Hayden puts the bracelet on his gravestone.

"Bubba mama is having babies. We'll be great big bubbas," he squealed. I cried silently as he talked to his brother. I wish I were able to switch places with Hunter. What I would give to switch places with him.

"Mama," Hayden whispers. I wipe my tears and bend down to his level, "bubba said no more crying and to give you this," Hayden said kissing my cheek and putting his arms around my neck. I pick him up hugging the life out of him. I can't help the tears that continue to fall.

Hopefully this time will be different. Hopefully this time I get a chance to see them both grow. My rainbow babies.

It took my a minute to write this last one. I couldn't stop crying when I was writing that he was talking to his brother. Man this is effecting me more than it should.

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