Chapter Four~ Rules and the first punishment

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Callie's POV

"I don't think so," I mumble grabbing my remote and turning on the tv.

"And why do you think that?" Zander asks shutting my door locking it. I turn on Sophia the First and try to get comfy under my blanket.

"Because I'm tired," I say closing my eyes pretending as if I'm going to sleep.

"Fine you can have a warning just this once since you don't know the rules," Issac says as I feel two dips on my bed. Sure my bed was a queen but I'm not sure it'll fit all three of us.

"What are you two doing?" I ask opening my eyes to see Issac on one side while Zander was on the other.

"Going to sleep with our mate," Issac says pushing me away from 'his' side.

"Who said I want to sleep with you both?" I question.

"It wasn't an option," Zander says picking me up as I let out a squeak.

"Um so like where am I going to sleep because you two will hog the entire bed," I say as Issac strips of his clothes leaving him in his boxers as I stare at his 6 pack. Like god damn.

"With us," Issac says now laying down. Zander sits me next to Issac as he strips of his clothes being left in his boxers with a 6 pack as well. What in the holy world.

"I don't think this is going to work," I mumble out as I jump off the bed and go to my dresser grabbing my pjs.

"What are you doing little mate?" Zander questions as if he aspected me to sleep in this. Hell no.

"Changing clothes," I say in a duh tone as I pull my shirt off. Of course I was facing away from my two filthy mates. I slide on my long white shirt that went about mid thigh and then pulled off my skirt. I left my clothes on the floor knowing that mother would get them tomorrow.

I walk back to the bed to see just a small space in between my two mates that are sitting up. Both their eyes trained on me.

"What?" I question jumping on the bed and crawling into the small space that was just big enough for me to fit into.

"Nothing," Issac says. I can tell from the little time that I've actually met my mates that they are both similar and different in their own way. Like Issac seems to be more closed off where as Zander seems like he will spill the tea with anyone. Both however are very dominant and seem to have similar relationship expectations.

"I can't sleep," I mumble as I stare up at the ceiling. Stephanie may be a bitch but she knew me well.

"Then let's go over the rules," Zander says standing and grabbing a piece of paper and pen from my table with my laptop.

"Why do we even need rules?" I groan.

"Because we said so," Issac says as Zander comes back with my clip board that had a paper and pen attached to it.

"Here write them down. At first we won't have many but we will add more if we see fit," Zander says sitting back under the covers.

"1. You must call us daddy, master, or sir at all times. Of course we realize that certain titles should be earned so for now you can just call us sir until you get more comfortable.
2. No cursing.
3. Three meals a day.
4. Shower once a day.
5. Brush your teeth and hair at least three times a day.
6. At least 8 cups of water a day.
7. No sweets after 8 pm.
8. You must be in bed by 9:30 pm on weekdays and 11 pm on weekends.
9. No drugs or alcohol.
10. Use your manners.
11. Do not disrespect us.
12. Don't disrespect yourself.
That should be it for now, but we can add more." Zander finishes and my hand feels like it's about to fall off.

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