Chapter Ten~ I dont want to ruin anything

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Callie's POV

After a long shower it was finally time to meet my mates family. I was quite nervous seeing as I feared they would hate me or dislike me for whatever reasons.

"Go," Issac ordered lightly tapping my butt to enter the kitchen where both their families sat for lunch since we had missed breakfast. I held my breath walking into the kitchen to find two older couples along with three teens, 4 older children, and a toddler.

"Oh goddess! Callie nice seeing you again!" A boy ran up to me. He couldn't of been older than 16 and I remember him from the boy who walked in on us. I smile at him as blush starts to coat my cheeks.

"Daniel," Issac growled at his brother.

"What? Though I'd rather see her like before it's still-" he doesn't even finish his sentence before he's tackled to the ground by Issac.

"Issac get off your brother!" One of the older women yell. Issac punches Daniel before jumping off of him coming back to me and embracing me in a hug.

"You must be Callie," the other woman says coming up to me as Issac lets go. I nod at her with a smile, "I'm Margret, Zander's mom," she sounded so sweet.

"I'm Greta, Issacs mom," the lady that yelled at Issac says pulling me into a hug. I hug her back of course.

After an introduction to everyone I'm met with a large breakfast buffet. I only take a waffle and a couple pieces of fruit as all the other pile their food high, my mates included.

"Can you play trains with me?" The little boy, who I learned was Jacob, asks pulling on my dress. He was only three but seemed like he had the intelligence of an elementary child.

"Jacob you need to eat first," Zander tells his younger brother. Jacob pouts and I feel so bad. I pick him up and put him into my lap.

"Do you want something to eat?" I whisper to him. He nods and points to some of the bacon on Zander's plate who sat to my right. I grab some bacon from the larger plate in the center and feed him tiny pieces at a time.

"Mate you need to eat," Issac says munching on a piece of toast. I nod my head but stay very focused on Jacob. He was younger and needed to eat first. I take small bites of my food in between feeding Jacob to please my mates.

"I done!" Jacob told me, or well everyone at the table as he yelled it.

"Jacob inside voices," Margret said sternly to the little boy in my lap and he shhed me. I smile at him and do it back.

He slid off my lap and tried to pull me out of my seat. He really wanted to play trains but my mates had another thing in mind, "jacob she needs to finish eating too," Zander told his brother a bit irritated.

"No! Trains!" He told Zander angrily. Zander growls at his brother but only gets a small cute growl in return.

"I'll just finish eating later," I tell Zander and he glared at me probably for taking Jacob's side.

"No, you will finish your food," Zander said having no room for argument. I really don't want this to be like the first time we were in a kitchen.

"I'll be fine," I tell him getting up to follow Jacob. Zander growls at me and tries to stop me but I dodge his grasp and pick up Jacob running into the living room. Jacob is a giggling mess but I know that this little boy just cost me my ass.

"Trains?" I ask the little boy and he nods dragging me up the stairs and into his room. It was a room fit for a little boy. Paw patrol and train themed.

"You be Thomas," he tells me. After a while of playing trains with the boy we move on to watching paw patrol and man did he love paw patrol. He knew every character and even knew some of the lines they would say on the episode.

"What's your babies name?" He asked leaning on me. I look at him confused.

"What?" I ask not understanding what he was asking.

"Your babies," he said pointing to my stomach.

I laugh, "there's no baby in there," I tell him. There can't be.

"Yuh huh, I hear them," he giggles putting his head on my stomach. He's making me paranoid. Sure we didn't use protection but getting pregnant never happens to people like me. It's the unlucky ones. Right?

"How?" I ask him. He points to his ear. If I didn't know better I'd say he was Issac's brother.

"They are happy," Jacob giggles as he removes his head from my stomach.

"Jacob what are you doing?" In came Margaret and I about pissed my pants.

"Listening to babies," he giggles to his mom as she picks him up. Her eyes widen as she looks at me.

"He's just crazy. I'm not pregnant?" I say but I can't help but let it be a question.

"When Cindy was a toddler she would tell me there was a baby in my belly and that she could hear him and turns out I was pregnant with Jacob," she smiles. I can not be pregnant. We haven't been able to live our out lives. I'm only 18. I haven't be able to explore our kinky relationship. This just can not be happening.

"How will I know?" I ask her worry laced in my voice. She smiles sadly at me and sits next to me as jacob plays on the floor with his trains.

"You can make an appointment with our pack doctor. Your pregnancy will only last three months so it should be easy to tell with the look of an ultrasound. Why are you scared?" She asked.

"I don't want this to ruin anything. I mean we just got to know each other and have just started being around each other everyday," I say putting my head in my hands.

"They love you, I can see it. I wouldn't worry about it ruining anything. They will love you and everyone else will no matter what happens," Margret tells me pulling me in for a hug.

"Can you not tell anyone about this? How will I set up an appointment without the guys knowing?" I ask. She smiles at me.

"I won't tell and leave it up to me. I will get you tomorrow with Greta before noon to take you to the appointment," she was too kind.

"Thank you so much," I tell her hugging her.

"Please don't tell me you're stealing my mate next," Issac groans walking into Jacob's room.

"Oh no no, she's all yours. I want to take her to get tea with me and Greta in the morning though," Margret tells Issac smoothly. Issac nods putting his hand out for me to which I happily accept.

We walk out of Jacobs's room and down the hall towards our room, "I think you deserve a punishment baby," his words bring arousal to my being but I may be pregnant I need to be careful.

"I really don't feel good," I tell him trying to act sick and by the look of worry that spreads across his face I can tell the look of possibly being pregnant did some good.

"Okay let's go lay down then," he says picking me bridal style I smile at him and lay my head against his chest as he finishes the walk into our room shutting the door.

"Why's my poor baby so pale?" Zander says coming up to us.

"She doesn't feel good," Issac says laying me in the middle of the bed as he climbs in after.

"Let's watch a movie then sweetness," Zander says turning in the tv as he cuddles my other side. I sign wishing we could do a lot more of this.

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