Chapter 41 - Mistake

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One by one they fell, dropping like falling trees with a loud thud to the cemented floor. I don't know what I felt watching my choices go limp on the ground in front of me. The numbers, they were random. I didn't know who was which one, but I was so afraid.

Snow told me before he brought me into this room that it was just a meeting to discuss my future plans without Cato. I was surprised when I walked in to the seven screens, each one showing me a different face. Everyone was familiar, everyone except for the man. He was new, but I felt like I knew him.. like I had seen him before.

He was sitting directly across from Cato, and that's how I made the connection. Strong jaw line, blond hair, striking green eyes, the nose, the lips.. he was the man I saw in the photo back at Cato's home. It was Cato's dad. Why was he here, out of all people? I had never met the man before, nor had I seen him or knew anything at all about him. What does he have to do with me?

Mother and Katniss were there. It only put more worry in my heart. I knew something horrible was going on when I saw their faces. It was like a punch to the gut.

Snow tricked me into this room because he knew I would say no if I knew what was going on. If he would have told me that he had kidnapped my family along with everyone else that I love, I would have ran. I would have tried to escape, even if I did end up getting caught and killed for attempting to flee.

They fell. They fell one by one.

He fell. He fell to the ground with a loud thud. I almost didn't even understand what happened until I saw the blood drizzling from the small hole in his head. His body went lip as his face went straight to the groundwater . His hands, tied behind his back, stayed there as his life poured from that one small hole.

He fell.

Haymitch. The one man that had nothing but hope for me. The man who I knew loved me, but didn't show it. The man that I knew would do anything to protect me from the world even though he was drinking his own world away.

He was number one.

Next was him.

I watched him go backward instead of forward. His blond hair began to stain from the tiny stream of the red blood being pulled downward by gravity. His knees bent and so did his back in what seemed to be a painful pose. I knew nothing much of him, other than he did something to Cato that brought all of this on me.

He fell so suddenly, but I didn't feel a thing.

Cato's father. The mystery man.

Cato was eerily silent. I knew him well. Something was strirring in his brain. He was going to do something. Snow took his non-existent father away from him, and no matter how Cato felt or thought about anyone, I knew that deep down, he really loved his dad. If not, he wouldn't still have his pictures in his room.

He was planning something.

And lastly, she fell.

She fell to the ground, and I wanted to rip my own heart out.

She fell.

Her hair dropped over her face, like a dark waterfall shielding her draining life away from me. I couldn't comprehend it, couldn't fully come to terms with her being taken away from me within the blink of an eye.

Snow killed my sister, and I still don't even know why.

My eyes closed, but the visions remained.

Mother screamed and shuffled over to her, trying to pull at the restraints on her hands so that she could try to do something. But she couldn't, I couldn't.. no one could do anything else.

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