Chapter 36 - Bourbon

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Glass. I hear glass breaking somewhere.

My eyes opened and I was frightened with my surroundings. I was in a strange room. A bedroom. Cato was nowhere in the room, but I vaguely remember waking up while he was taking my clothes off.

There was another crash of glass breaking and then someone.. laughing?

I slowly stood up from the bed and looked down. I was in Cato's shirt.. where was he? It was not like him to leave me alone in any instances, probably not even to use the bathroom.

I picked up the bedside lamp and wielded it like a weapon while I slowly made my way out of the bedroom to the kitchen where I heard the noise. I remembered that we were supposed to be making it back to our new place tonight. That's most likely where I was now. The place was extraordinarily nice. It had exquisite furniture and was filled with everything that we could possibly need.

As I made my way to the kitchen, I was able to sit the lamp down. It was Cato, and he was drunk. There was a bottle of a brown liquid in his hand and he was telling the glass on the ground to be quiet by placing his finger on his lip and making the 'shh' sound.

How on earth could this have happened? I never knew Cato to drink and I didn't expect to ever have him in this condition.


He turned to face me and frowned. "Oh, hello, who are you?" Cato moved to stand next to me, but bumped into the kitchen island. He doesn't know who I am...?

Cato turned to the island. "Sh, be quiet! You might wake up Rose!"

I giggled and reached to take his hand. "I'm right here Cato," I told him.

Cato frowned and stared at me. "No, you're not."

"Then who am I?" I questioned, crossing my arms. This should be hilarious, but the fact that he was drunk was beginning to scare me. No matter what, Cato knew who I was and was there for me, but now he couldn't even recognize my face?

"I don't know," he shrugged lazily. "But, you better not have hurt her. Why are you here? Where is she?" He took more staggering steps toward me and I backed away.

"Cato, I'm right here."

"No, who the hell are you? Tell me before I hurt you."

My eyes widened and I stepped away from him. Now he was threatening me. This is bad, really bad. Who knows what he could do, especially while he was in this state? Cato's an angry guy, and he's way bigger and stronger than me.

No, Cato would never do anything to hurt me.

But, he doesn't even know that it is me.

"Cato, it's me. It's Rose," I told him, staring him straight in the eyes.

Cato shook his head and took long strides toward me. "Rose?" he yelled into the empty spaces around us.

"Yes, Cato?"

"Shut up!" he yelled at me. He stopped in the middle of the room and I backed all the way to the wall, where there was no where else to go.


"Shut the fuck up!"

I closed my mouth and stood on the wall, trying to make myself as invisible as I possibly could.

"Stay there," Cato warned, pointing at me with the hand that held the bottle of alcohol.

He walked away, going to check the rooms of the new apartment complex in search of me. I didn't get how he couldn't tell that it was me. I was wearing what he had put on me, my hair was the same, and I wasn't wearing any makeup or anything. I watched as he returned to the living room and disappeared over and over again.

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