Chapter 31 - Molly

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She was one of the many girls I was hoping to avoid coming home with Rose. It was a bad idea bringing her here, because the District was literally crawling with girls I've messed around with. I was lucky enough to avoid them all while walking here. Hopefully now, I could avoid one more fucking disaster and keep Rose happy for at least another hour.

I have never seen Rose smile so much. It was insane. She finally seemed happy to be with me, and of course, I love it. If she's happy, then so am I.

"Molly, you have to leave."

Molly ignored what I told her and stared out at the darkness that surrounded us. "I'm really glad you're okay, Cato," Molly said with a small smile. "You know I always worried about you."

"Molly, what the hell are you doing here?" I asked as low as I could, ignoring what she said. I didn't allow her entrance into my home. Rose did not need to see her and Molly did not need to see Rose. She would probably get jealous and say something she didn't need to.

Molly frowned and tried to step in but I blocked her. "Mom made these treats for your Mom and Charlie and asked me to drop them off to her," she explained, not even taking the chance to look me in the eyes. She was scared.. good.

"Okay," I nodded, taking the wrapped plate out of her hands, "thank you. Now leave."

Molly sighed and bit her lip. Shit.. that used to turn me on. "Can I at least talk to her, or Charlie, for a little?" she asked with irritation in her voice. "Mother would think it very rude if I just dropped them off without even a simple hello."

"No," I almost yelled, "you need to go-"

"Pumpkin, let her in for a second! I haven't talked to her in a while!" Mum yelled from the kitchen. I glanced quickly at Rose, who was too occupied with Charlie to pay any attention to us at the door. Maybe I could sneak Molly in without her noticing and get her out the back door.

"Shit," I mumbled, finally stepping aside. I tried to block her view of Charlie and Rose.

Molly took a step inside and immediately looked to where she heard Charlie and Rose playing. She smiled when she saw Charlie, who looked up at her with his playful grin, but at soon as she saw Rose, her smile immediately dropped.

Rose looked up at her and smiled, completely oblivious to who Molly was.

"Oh," Molly mumbled, "I didn't know you guys already had company." She stared at Rose angrily. Molly definitely knew who this girl was. I had outed myself to the whole world about Rose.. why wouldn't she know? Molly hates her. I know her well enough to see the boiling water cooking in her body right now.

This was bad. Really, really bad.

I heard Mum walking toward us and soon she had a hand placed on my waist.

"Hello, Molly," she said with a smile. Mum was betraying me right now! She should know that I do not, under any circumstance, want this girl here right now.

Molly turned to Ma and gave her a fake smile. "I'm so sorry, Mrs. Hadley. I had no idea you had company," she said politely. She was being so phoney.

Mum waved her hand, dismissing her comment. "It's okay. I was just getting dinner ready anyway," she answered. "Have you met Primrose?"

Shit, Ma.. I didn't want them to talk.

"No, I haven't," Molly mumbled. She sighed softly and stared at Rose, who was still smiling, oblivious to the tension.

Rose stood up and extended her hand. "Hi, I'm Primrose. Nice to meet you." Damn, why does she have to be so nice? It's moments like these that I wish she was a bitch so that I can see a girl fight and so that Rose can defend herself. The girls I've been with were total bitches and made sure everyone knew that when they were sleeping with me, another girl better not get in the way.

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