62. Proud King

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I know you guys want to read the smut part but I'm not going to include smut in this book.

Wattpad is deleting books with mature content even when it is tagged mature (when users report it) and I don't want this book to be reported/deleted so I hope you guys understand.❤

However, I'm planning on making a PDF with the smut chapters and those who want to read it can inform me and I'll send the PDF by email, Instagram or Facebook. (I'll only write it if you guys want it so do let me know. I haven't written yet.)

Let me know what works for you all and we will do that. ❤

"So you mean to tell me that we are not going to tell Mom about the change in plan? That we aren't following her plan anymore?" Luciano spoke slowly staring at me.

"Yeah. I don't mean to offend you or anything Luciano but Serena is kind of stubborn. She wants everyone to do what she thinks is right and I dont think that's right. If I'm going to be by your side as an equal, I want us to work together and why not start now when we have this opportunity?" I smiled making him squeeze my hand.

"Its good to know My Queen does not just follow other people's instructions. Are you sure with your plan though?" He asked.

"No of course not but we need to take this chance to prevent our people getting killed for no reason."

"You know I really love this thing about you...You always think about everyone but you dont forget yourself while doing so. Protecting yourself first is more important if you want to protect others." He smiled kissing my forehead.

"Thank you...so should we call Cody or Keyon ?" I asked excited all of a sudden. We need our amazing hackers for what we want after all.

"Its your training day and we need to go downstairs and agree with Mom on her plan too. I hope you're not lying to me Valentina and actually going to do what Mom wants." He warned with narrowed eyes.

"I'm your girlfriend Luciano not your Mom's. I won't ever lie to you except when I want to make you jealous." I smirked making him glare at me.

I still remember the day when I lied about  Cole, a friend who organises my races to be an ex fuck buddy. Luciano was so mad and jealous.

"I always know when you're lying anyway and I know you're speaking the truth right now but I was just making sure." He said squeezing my thigh.

"So when are we going to tell them? We don't have much time if Serena will plan an attack!" I frowned not really liking the idea of attacking people.

I know this is a mafia and shit but not everything has to be solved by attacking.

I'm going to be the future Queen of this mafia so I want to have my say in this and I do not agree with this and I don't even have the energy to make Serena understand which is why lying is the only option.

"I'll call them in the basement where we will go for your training after we tell Mom that you agree with her plan. It has been two hours since we are here."

"Alright sounds good and its because of you that we are here longer. You made me horny!" I glared at him.

"And I was the one who made you cum an hour ago so a little gratitude won't hurt you!" He glared back playfully.

"Its your duty as my man to make me cum when I want." I stated rolling my eyes making him chuckle in amusement.

"Man...I have found a horny little thing!" He laughed making me glare at him but I really love his playful side.

The Fine Art Of Annoying A Mafia KingWhere stories live. Discover now