12. Shopping and Excited Mom

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"So how is it going with you and Luciano?" Em asked me.

We are on our way to the mall for shopping and I'm driving the car. Em is on the passenger seat while Nia and Vans at the back.

"Great actually. We talked on call yesterday." I grinned at her and all three of them squeal excited.

"Valencia is sailing. Yay!" Nia squeals.

"Did you tell him about you?" Vanessa asked.

"Nope. He is frustrated that I know stuff about him and he doesn't."I chuckled.

"And when are you planning on meeting him and revealing yourself?" Em asked amused.

"I dont know." I shrugged and they all laugh.

"What about you Vans? What's happening with you and Eric?" I raised an eyebrow smirking.

"I really like him guys. You know when we got Dantes message and Eric took me to his room. He comforted me and surprisingly I liked it. I like the way he is so soft and caring towards me. He understands me guys. I dont know why we were both wasting time finding other people." She said.

"Thats great Vans. Finally you guys are dating." Nia sighed making us all laugh.

"We're here." I announce and we all jump out of the car and make our way inside.

"Where do we start from?" Nia asked impatiently.

I know the look. She is going to shop from each and every shop and will kill me. I better think about something or I'll die today.

"I'll have some food first so I'll join you guys after I eat." I stated and quickly walked out of there hearing Vanessa and Emma's voices that they know what I did And I laughed at them.

After getting my burger, fries and a strawberry milkshake I found the only table which wasnt occupied and settled down.

Do not judge me people..I love strawberry milkshake. Its awesome!

Its not even a sunday and this place is full of people.

"Hey..uh..Can I sit here? There is no place anywhere else." I looked up and saw a girl with food tray and I nodded at her.

By looking at appearance, she looks like she comes from a wealthy family. She is beautiful with platinum blonde hair and and tanned skin.

"Its so crowded today. I'm Sofia." She said extending her hand and smiling.

"Valentina." I shook her hand and resumed eating.

I'm just not comfortable in talking to new people thanks to Dante the great asshole.
I don't feel safe while meeting new people. Its like they are here to hurt me. Its just a protective mechanism nothing else.

"You don't like to talk?" She smiles again and puts a spoonful of salad in her mouth.

What is with this girl and smiling all the time?

"I don't know you." I state bluntly and she laughs genuinely.

"I'm in your college. Same course." She grins amused.

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