Chapter 20 - Edited

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Witches and weres were beginning to group together.

It wasn't safe for any of them to be on their own and even some of their world's most infamous recluses were pulled out of hiding for their own protection.

The Silver Light Pack was beginning to get overrun with people that they had had to erect temporary houses to keep them in. Witchfire lined the safest pathways from house to house and it was something they did that would protect all of them from the coming darkness. At least until the day came for the final battle.

Ava could feel the day coming deep within her bones. Each day she got stronger and stronger but had decided to hide it from her family and friends. The gossip that the packs, witches and other magical beings were whispering about her was enough to make her withdraw even deeper into her mind. She was feeling like she was beginning to lose it and her wolf, Artemia, was the only person or were that was keeping her sanity above water.

If she looked too deep, she could see that her soul was beginning to drown from the expectation. The dreams she was having was showing the path she needed to take, because if she didn't then the final outcome would mean their world and that of the humans would be destroyed. She didn't want that, but she was starting to splinter in her mind again and this time she feared that if that happened there would be no way of getting her back together again.

The packs last hope would be gone. Non-existent. A disappointment.

Ava didn't have much of an appetite of late. Her wolf was the one that ate for her, taking over her body for a few minutes a day to make sure she ate enough to keep her body strong. They didn't need her mothers hair to get any whiter with worry or her father's blood pressure to go up anymore because he couldn't look at his daughter without seeing death. She walked around little like herself, however, mostly she just felt like a shell of her old self.

What was she supposed to be now? The saviour?

She laughed darkly under her breath and muttered nonsensical words that made no sense.

The dreams, the last dream she had, had her in the centre of the field again but this time every single face she had ever seen in the world would be misshapen and bloodied around her. There would be no bringing any one back from that if the darkness that was unleashed upon the earth was let to be. No, it had to go and if that meant that she would perish, then so be it. But she would like to think that the Moon Goddess of Light would give her a break and let her live a reasonably quiet life. Thoughts like that were small, but gave her hope. 

She watched the pack, and the witches walk back and forth between the pack houses following the path that the witchfire made. At the edge of the forest, that held her pack safe from the prying eyes of the humans, was a thin wisp of dark smoke. It had been there for the past week, waiting and watching, wanting someone to mess up and step out of the protective barrier.

Ava and Artemia would walk the lines of safety separately. Something they were secretly able to do after splintering the first time. Now, on occasion, they could become two different beings, but still be the same part of the whole. It just meant that there was more power wielded between them.

One night, Artemia found a parasite on the edge of forest that was just behind the training fields. Ava had materialised beside her quickly to look at the parasite for herself. It was a thick mass of dark magic, that was thicker than oil but looked as though it was deep rooted already into the ground.

Ava and Artemia knew immediately what they had to do. It was a mark of what they were. Ancient beings in young bodies. There was now a knowing inside of them that meant they intuitively knew what to do before they even did it.

Ava and Artemia stood in front of each other, there eyes lining up with other. They looked towards the sky and called down the light of the universe, concentrating it downward into the oily mass. The light flashed brightly, illuminated with rainbow colours before it disappeared deep within the oily mass, which started to vibrate as the light was absorbed within it.

They watched the light work its magic and dissolve the oily mass, transmuting it into light pieces and sending it back to whence it came. What appeared in its place was an anemone flower, or the windflower, for protection.

Once that was done both turned and continued to walk the protection barrier, neither talking about what happened, but know what and who they were now was forever changed. They had become something more now, more then were. And it had disturbed both of them.

Ava had stopped counting the days until the snow would fall on the ground. She had stopped following the seasons and the happier times and had almost missed the end of year holidays.

Tonight, she was dressed in a white and silver gown that flowed outward from the cinch of waist. It was the kind of dress that moved with a woman's body and accentuated her perfectly. Her skin had gotten whiter and her hair darker since the splinter and it had somehow created this version of her, the person she was always meant to be. At least deep down that is what she knew.

Ava left her room with her dress flowing out and around her. People passing her gave her a wide birth as she walked and she didn't notice the face of her parents, pack members and her mate's reaction to the dress she was wearing. The overall look screamed of the Goddess and now the power of the ancients that were within her was beginning to overflow through her.

Ava and Artemia decided the day after they were put back together that they would stop hiding their true self. If the pack didn't like it, then what else could they do to convince them. She wasn't a girl anymore. Too much had happened to go back to the girl who liked to make cookies and tease "Ham Sandwich". No, it was definitely too late for that.

Ava sighed inwardly, looking into her mind's eyes at Artemia.

There is nothing else we could have done. They all think us to be the freak saviour, so why should we hide? If we die in the battle, at least we will go down fighting as us and not what everyone expects us to be.

Ava didn't look back but knew that one wolfs particular eyes were watching her, was Damon. Artemia swore she could hear his wolf drooling and she flicked her tail back over her face and went to sleep.

Ava smiled at her wolf and imagined she could do the undignified thing and show the Elite Alpha her middle finger but then she would have to endure another lecture from her parents. If it wasn't about one thing, her parents would nag about her job in the upcoming battle, as their worry started to overshadow the love they had for her. She would never tell them that every time they did that, it was a little harder to keep her mind together. But she could see it on their faces, the shame and guilt that wrecked them as she stared back at them with eyes she no longer recognised.

At least her parents still talked to her. No one else did. They would turn and walk the other way hoping that she didn't see them. But if she didn't see them, her werewolf hearing would sense them.

She was waiting for this all to be over, when everything would go back to normal and she could just be an sixteen-year-old wolf-girl again.

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