Chapter 4 - Edited

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"He will never have a hold over me again!" He affirmed to himself. 

He wretched and wheezed; the movement encompassing his whole body. His skin was a sickly grey colour with tiny black veins that coiled and twisted under his skin. He coughed hard and had to lean over because the pressure was too much for his now frail body. He knew that he had probably popped a blood vessel somewhere, but it didn't matter. The dark entity would take care of it.  

Alpha Colton of the Dark light pack, a name he changed when he killed his father, had his shift in a painful way. It was something he didn't really like to talk about. And if you brought it up, you died. 

He could kill his opponents with ease now, unlike before, he would be filled with guilt and remorse. But he was just a child then. He was too soft. His father would scream at him and beat him to get stronger. Like a beating or two made you stronger. Colton laughed, derision underlying his tone. A beating didn't get you anything but another beating, he thought. 

His father was good at that. It didn't hurt that his father enjoyed beating him into submission. So, when he had turned eighteen and had gone through his first shift, he had found his father drunk again sitting on their packs house back porch. He was complaining about how children these days never really lived up to their potential. Colton had felt his wolf rising, enraged. He had been told numerous times that he should quell the dog once it showed itself. Muzzle it. But this day he had let it out. He let it run wild. He let it kill. 

That's when he realised he had darkness in him. Worse than his father seeping into him. He didn't try to hide it with booze or with women, like his father and his friends used to. No, he embraced it. And because he embraced it, he killed more. He let the darkness be apart of him. 

Before he had shifted, he had always taken after his mother. When she died, a part of him died with her. And so he did the only thing that he could think of.

He could see that his father wasn't expecting it. As most fathers do, they don't see their child clearly. They don't know what they're truly capable of. When push comes to shove, even the little omega would reach for the knife. Some are blind to the truth and just go on pretending they are the ones in control, when in reality they're not. 

His father was weak, tiresome, redundant,  that when he finally pulled the heart from the old mans chest he laughed at the look of surprise and dismay as he bled out. It was in that moment that he met him. The being that helped him to see who he truly was. A friend to the darkness, he said. 

The form of it was black and wispy at first and with each day it would get stronger and stronger; its shape developing into a tall man with red eyes. Over time it was difficult for Colton to realise that he was being taken over, controlled, but when he finally realised, it was too late to change it. 

Some of his pack members left him, while others he used to feed off of and  kill when he was bored. His soul was tainted; darker now and he never prayed to the moon Goddess anymore. He didn't see the need. He didn't want to see her pity. If she still had it for him. She did. He felt it, like a deep mournful cry. If he knew the real depth of her sadness he would have laughed at the Gods. He didn't need their worry or care any longer. They never helped him when he asked them. Where were they when his mother needed them? 

No, he didn't need anyone.  All he had when he was done saying his prayers was silence. Nothing. He stopped believing and he stopped needing. So he changed and unknowingly sought help from a being who instead drained him of his life force. 

He wanted blood and raw flesh. More and more. His wolf had changed and hid behind a wall that caged him in and who he only let out when there was a need. 

Colton's flesh was rotting from the inside out. He didn't feel himself getting weaker as his mind was living in a delusion that he created with the darkness. He didn't, nor could he tell, what was reality. He was too far gone. He dreamed of one thing. This one thing gave him purpose he never had before. 

There was one pack he wanted to end. The Silver Light Pack. They had a girl that his master wanted him to kill. The plan was everything he could ever have hope for. 

They would all die, he laughed. The shrill sound bouncing off the walls of his broken down home.

Colton at one point, wanted to make the girl his mate, but his father had refused. He did not want to make the other packs angry. He didn't want the other packs looking any deeper into his dealings and how he ran his pack. But it was only this one little thing that his father had to do for him and he never did. He knew his father was a weak Alpha, but this just showed Colton how much. 

He would get his mate. He would win her over and everything would be fine. He would finally become the Alpha he was truly meant to be.

But he had to end a lot of lives to get it. He would do it. It was easy. It would just take a little time and careful planning. Everything was already in place, now he just had to wait for the next full moon.

He hoped that the Goddess was watching him now. She would pay. The other Gods would pay and all the other werewolf packs will die.

That's all there was to it...

He smiled widely as his plan formed clearly in his head. The entity merely laughed behind him and fed his rage. There was no going back. There was only one clear path ahead. And that was death. Death then victory. 

Copyright © All Rights Reserved  2020 to NeoNixButterfly21/Christine

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