Chapter 30 - Edited

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Ava flew up the Carpathian Mountains on a updraft of wind. She glided over trees and mountains, all the while staying connected to Artemia who was on the ground.

Artemia huffed up the mountain following Ava at break neck speeds. Her paws moved through the two-foot of snow with ease as her body was now a lot stronger.

Ava circled above Artemia, keeping a close eye on the men at the bottom of it. She looked at their leader and could smell his Alpha blood and then something else. Something that she couldn't place but knew there was some familiarity.

Could he be our mate?

Artemia snorted. Too many mates. Too many stupid mates. If he is the one we are meant to be with, first check that he has a square head on his shoulders and he's not too stupid.

Ava's laugh rang out between them like bells and she couldn't help the hawk from calling out.

At the sound the man had turned towards her in the skies, his eyes piercing her. She sent him an energy wave that had him taking a step back and grinning at her.

Mate not stupid if he knows our power, Artemia said.

I don't want a mate, no matter what.

We may not have a choice, Ava.

There is always a choice.

Artemia howled, the sound beseeching Ava to be reasonable.

Ava aimed at a branch in one of the beech trees that looked thick enough to hold her weight. She landed lightly on it and sat down looking down the mountain and down at the strange man standing below her. She trained her hearing to hear their conversation as she could see their lips moving.

"Who is she?"

"Is she a danger to us?"

"How many animals do you think she can shift into?"

"Is she a werewolf?"

Ava drew away from the men and waited to see what they would do. The men stood in a formation were lower ranking werewolves hung around the higher ranking for protection. She could see them scanning the trees and using all their senses to scout for any danger.

One by one the men shifted into their wolf form and started to walk up the mountain. Ava smiled grimly.

They're beginning their search for us.

Artemia growled back.

If it's a fight for survival, we have the Goddess on our side. She won't let any harm come to us.

That may be, but we haven't heard from her in a few months. Ava said dryly.

She would not dessert us.

Ava let her concerns hang between them before she leapt down the two hundred and six foot tree. She landed, hardly making a sound before she started to run further up the mountain, weaving her way through the trees easily at her top speed. She made sure to leave her scent heavily on a few trees to mark where she was going. If these wolves were out to chase her and capture her, she would make sure that it was on her terms, not on theres.

I won't be captured easily, Artemia. If they want a fight, they'll have one.

Ava didn't stop running until the canopy of trees opened up and she was at the peak of one of the mountains. The cold wind whipped at her face and hair and blew the natural cotton robes she was wearing from the fae. Her skinned glowed with the power of the Goddess as she prepared for the onslaught she was expecting.

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