Chapter 47 - Edited

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Alpha Dom watched his daughter coming down the small hill towards their base camp. She had changed so much. Her eyes were harsher, angrier. She sat astride a large white horse, wearing silver and gold armour that looked like starlight shining in the late afternoon sun. Her hair was braided down her back and had silver and gold thin chain interwoven holding her hair in place. Her eyes were painted with a light silver and gold dust, like a mask that offset her now strange grey-silver eyes. Her skin was fairer than it had ever been. It now appeared as white as moonlight.

A touch of the Goddess, maybe.

As the group on horseback moved past them, the rest of the pack looked on in awe. This wasn't the same girl that had left them all those months ago. Was this the girl that they had really been searching for? She looked so different now.

Ava looked down at all of them and nodded shortly. Her eyes going into small slits as she passed, before they closed completely.

I wasn't expecting to see them here. Artemia said.

Ava remained silent. Why repeat the same thought twice? She nodded her agreement and kept moving forward, trailing after the king.

Should we speak to them?

Ava looked at Artemis in her minds eyes and nodded. They were still her family. Her dad was still her dad, afterall.

If we can keep our temper in check, maybe we should go see them.

Artemia laughed. Ava wasn't known for being even tempered lately and people still wondered about that. What was the reason one touched by the Goddess was so angry? Where did the anger truly come from?

Ava couldn't look at the reason right now. She was still reeling from her mates father's demands of her. She didn't have a choice. She had to be here. Another fight. The last fight. That's what he called it. He wanted her to be their tipping point against Nyx.

Raoul turned to look behind him at Ava. He knew that she was still angry at his father for making her go with them. She didn't want to face Nyx again. As she saw it, Nyx had nothing to do with their lives. But he knew if they didn't face her now, that they would always either be running from her or be seen as cowards for running from a fight.

He was used to this. War had been his childhood. He had grown up around soldiers and fighting. There lands had war way before he decided to live in the otherworld among the humans. For him this was normal and to be expected. No one faced one such as Nyx only one time. That would be absurd. Those who sought power , sought to have it overall and not just from the ones that chose to follow.

They had to make every being follow them. And Ava was someone who had successfully broken free of Nyxs clutches and she didn't like that. That was obvious with how many witches were used to hole up the portal that they had closed to her. They had exchanged the witches with the ones they brought with them, and the witches who had been holding the portal closed were taken away to eat, drink and rest. They had been holding the line lone enough.

The King had hoped to make this stance the last stance. He wanted to be rid of Nyx once and for all so that they could have peace reign over the land once again. In both worlds.

Raoul dismounted from his steed and went to help his mate. He could feel her shaking and moved her through the growing crowd into a ready tent. He drew her close and lifted her into his arms before making his way to a makeshift bed. Setting her down carefully, he went to get her a glass of flavoured water and dried fruits. Giving them to her, he sat down next to her sipping his own water and waited for her to say something.

"I saw my father."


"Do you want to go and see him?" Raoul asked.

"No-" Ava breathed, "At least not yet. I didn't see many of them. Maybe the others are at home."

She nodded hopefully, taking a deep steadying breath, she leaned into her mate.

Raoul held her close for a moment before pulling away.

"I have to go speak with my father. Stay here and rest. A maid will be along shortly to tend to you. Just rest. Eat."

Ava nodded and watched her mate walk out of the tent and closed her eyes.

I didn't smell mother. I don't think I've ever seen them apart for so long. Do you think something happened?

Ava shook her head. Her mother was strong. She could survive anything. No, no, she was definitely still alive. She had to be. Artemis quietened down and just observed Ava try to balance herself out.

Ava, I think we need to be ready for anything. A lot can happen in such a short time.

Did you see something?

Just be ready.

If you're worried...something must of happened, right?

Artemia shrunk back further into Ava and looked back over everything she observed whilst they rode into the encampment. Her father looked haggered, stressed and gaunt. He was not the same person that they had left all those months ago. She was actually wary of asking him.


Raoul walked into the tent that kept his father and mother situated before the battle. His father was leaning over a stack of papers with one of his men, while his mother was in the other corner preparing a plate of food for the men. She looked up and smiled at him as he entered.

"Hello, son. What can I do for you?"

"Not much. Ava is resting. She's having a hard time after the journey. She saw her father in the crowd of otherworlders."

His mothers lips formed a grim line.

"Why do we call them that I wonder? We always have." She looked at him, tilting her head. "They call us the same, because to them we are otherworldly. What strange things we are?"

Raoul waited for his mother to stop rambling before he wrapped her up in a tight bear hug.

"You're worried." He said, pulling back.

"You're sister and her husband are back at the palace in case anything were to happen. You and your father are here to take the brunt of it, whatever happens." Her voice began to shake before she spoke the words, "And that child. We are to depend on her. She is not well. She is on the brink of fracturing!" Vittoria hissed under her breath as tears welled in her eyes.

"I know."

His mate had changed. After they broke the connection with Nyx, it was like she had untethered herself from the physical and was ready to pass on into the next place. It was like she was only staying in this plane for him. That she had tied herself physically to him, like an anchor.

Would she pull him away with her in the end? Was he ready to go if she did?

He didn't voice his concerns to his mother, as she seemed to be holding on by a thin thread as it was. He looked around the tent and saw that it was built for a King who was away from his castle.

"There's not a lot we can do but to prepare for what's coming."

Vittoria looked at her son gravely, and nodded.

"No matter what might happens, we may all die somehow on the battlefield."


Thank you everyone who has finished reading this chapter 😊

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