Chapter Eight: New place New me

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As soon as I landed in Toronto I was brought to a building that looked like any other office building in a city. The agent handling my case had to go over a bunch of regulations and rules with me about my new situation.

The plan is for me to go live with this family who agreed to accommodate me. Amanda, my new "mom" is a Crown Attorney, which is basically a Canadian version of a D.A. My new "dad" George is the owner of "Beats on Bartley" which I think they said is a music store. I definitely should have been paying more attention but my mind kept wandering off and thinking about other things.

I have no idea how they got involved in witness protection programs, all I know is that they are my new family. Fake family.

They seem really nice but I also know they probably get paid a lot to be really nice. I got to meet them shortly after arriving in Canada. We took/staged a bunch of family pictures together which was the most awkward part. They gave me a new cellphone, and they even made me a Facebook page. They told me the hardest part about all this would be learning to respond to my new name.

They gave me a file that covered my entire (made up) background. A folder with some paper in it was now my whole life. They made me study it the whole flight over and even quizzed me on the way to my dorm.

Today is move in day for freshman at Toronto Metropolitan University and I've never felt this nervous. All of "my" stuff was already in my room because you know, I don't have anything. The program provided me with the basic stuff I need for college.

It was highly recommended to not get too close to anyone-even my roommate- and I was basically told not to trust anyone. They said it was so easy to make simple mistakes that would blow my cover which would a). Result in me being reassigned to a new place or b). My father finding me a kidnapping me again.

I walked up to room 205 and then double checked on my phone that I was at the right room. I shoved my key into the lock and opened the large, wooden door.

I stepped inside my new room to see two beds, two dressers, 2 desks and a mini fridge. I looked over at the right side of the room to see the bed was made with a deep blue comforter and white pillows. There were textbooks and notebooks on top of the desk with a set of pens next to them. I walked over to the dresser and slid open a drawer. There was even clothing pre-picked out for me. The only thing here that was mine was the sweatshirt that I currently wore, and it's technically not entirely mine. It was originally Bens sweatshirt but after days of me asking to wear it he gave it to me. That now feels like such a long time ago.

I took a deep breath and sat down on the bed which judging by the way my body sunk in, it definitely had been slept on by many people before me.

I didn't know whether to be relieved to be alone or whether to fight the urge to cry. I reached into my pocket and took out a small folder picture. I slowly unfolded it to look at the picture of Ben and I on our one year anniversary. His arms were wrapped around me and we both had big smiles on our faces.

That day he surprised me after school and took me to Olive Garden. He tried so hard to plan it perfectly and ended up dumping my drink all over the table and my lap. God I miss him.

When I heard the door begin to open I quickly shoved the picture underneath my mattress.

The door opened and a girl with long, dirty blonde hair came in carrying a few bags and a suitcase.

"Do you need any help?" I asked quickly.

She looked over at me and said, "No I'm all set but thanks!" She placed down her bags with a relieved sigh. She closed the door and tucked her hair behind her ears.

Her eyes scanned the room quickly as she said, "You set up fast!" She smiled widely revealing her perfect teeth. She wore a loose blouse with a pair of jean shorts that were ripped on the sides.

I smiled and stood up to greet her officially.

Okay Aero, don't be weird.

All I could think about was not being suspicious. This definitely made me come off as anxious.

She stuck out her hand and said, "My name is Aurelie, I guess we're going to be roommates!"

I shook her hand and responded, "I'm- uh—Eleanor," I realized as soon I said it I had hesitated.

Well shit.

"...but my friends call me Nora." I added quickly to try and fix the awkwardness.

"Oooh I love that! You're not basic, well I mean you don't just go for Elle or Ellie... sorry I'm rambling. If I ever get carried away and start talking a lot just tell me to shut up. Seriously, you won't offend me!"

I walked back over and sat down on my bed. I pretended to look at my phone while she set up her side of the room so I wasn't just watching her awkwardly.

"So what's your major?" She asked as she folded her clothes.

I took a deep breath. Finally, an easy question to answer. "I'm here for Journalism," I answered.
"What about you?"

"I'm a poli sci major but I'm also debating on economics or something. But I have time to figure that out later. So journalism is cool! You like to write?" She asked folding her last shirt.

"Mhm." I nodded my head.

"I like your vibe. Not a girl of many words." She said after a minute long silence.


"Okay, so you, me, party tonight!" She excitedly putting on bright red lipstick.

"Oh I don't know about-" I started but she cut me off.

"Oh come on! Please please please! You're now my best friend because your my roommate. You have to meet my other friends." She came over to me and begged.

She's been here for not even an hour and already has friends? Or are they friends from high school or something?

I don't know how my case agent would like this...but she also said to try my best to fit in.

"Fine, one party won't hurt." I said to please her. She grabbed my hands and pulled me off my bed.

"Oh yay! You get dressed, I'm gonna use the bathroom quickly. I knew we were gonna get along great."

I can't tell if her personality is welcoming or annoying.

I walked over to my dresser as soon as she left for the bathroom.

Why do I have to change for a party?

I turned to face the body mirror on the back of the door and saw my oversized sweatshirt and sweatpants I was wearing. Okay fine. She wins this one.
I looked through the drawers and didn't like anything I saw. Great now I have to go shopping at some point. I don't even know where anything is here.

I put on a a green tank top and a pair of dark wash skinny jeans. I looked into the mirror and barely recognized myself. They cut my hair to be shoulder length with curtain bangs, and supplied me with basic college girl clothing. I guess it really did help establish that new person feelings.

I took a deep breath and whispered, "Eleanor Lancaster. Nora Lancaster. Nora."

Aurelie opening the door startled me making me jump, but I quickly collected myself.

"You look super cute! Ready to go?"

No-I guess so.

"Yeah let's hit it!" I said with fake excitement.

Let's hit it? Who the fuck says that?

She just giggled and lead me out of the room.

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