Chapter 16: Perfectly Wrong

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It's been over two months since I've been here at school, and I'm honestly starting to feel kinda safe. And that scares the shit out of me. After Thomas and I spent the day together a couple weeks ago after the party I started to feel kind of normal.

Aurelie had asked where I had gone after the party and of course I lied and told her I went to my cousin who lived near by. It was a dumb like but I didn't know what to tell her. Thomas told me to not bring up Louis or our "adventure" so I didn't. He was a dick but I listened to him.

I had to explain to my case agent why I wasn't able to make the phone call that day. My case agent needs to know every single thing I do which is very annoying. My check ins usually consist of me saying, "I went to the library on this day, I went to this party with my friends, I hung out at this persons dorm". 

Most of the time I listen to her lecture me about moving on and blending in better. She should try giving therapy sessions on the side of her main job.

My eyes struggled to stay open as I sat in my normal spot at the library studying for my media studies and biology classes.

"Pssst," A familiar voice from behind me whispered. I felt a light tap on my shoulder and turned to see Thomas standing behind me.

"Is this seat taken?" He asked pointing next to me.

"Depends on your mood." I spat at him. He didn't talk to me for over a week and a half since the day after the party. The most we talked was when the circle hung out and even then we didn't talk directly to each other.

"Note to self- she's sensitive right now." He sarcastically said sitting down next to me. I gave him my usual eye roll. He wore black pants with a white, button up, collared shirt with a blue sweater over it.

"Fuck you." I mumbled and continued to pretend to read my textbook.

"Ouch, you hurt my feelings Ellie." As soon as he said the sentence I shot him a look and he shook his head.

"I heard it and I didn't like it. Ouch, your hurt my feelings Eleanor." He corrected himself.

I tried to hold it In but I couldn't help but laugh a little.

"There, all better?" He smirked his usual smirk.

"You're an asshat." I sighed. "You've basically ghosted me since that day at your house."

He laced his fingers together and placed them on the table.

"We'll have you tried to talk to me?" He asked.

"Well, no but-"

"Then how could I have been ignoring you?" He seemed to gloat.

He thinks he so smart, doesn't he?

"You didn't give me the chance. You've been avoiding me." I pointed out.

"I saw you four days ago." He said.

I set down my textbook and said, "That was the third group hangout since the party and the first one you showed up to. And you didn't even talk to me." I defended my point. "The rest of us had to listen to Patrick tell us all about his great aunt Beatrice taking him to the soap museum!"

He smiled a little and said, "Trust me I know the soap museum story."

I smiled back at him but then quickly got rid of it.

Don't let him charm you, you're mad at him.

"Look I'm sorry I've been distant. I just- I don't want you to be weird now that you know the real me." He sighed.

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