Chapter 21: Welcome to the jungle

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Thomas grabbed my hand and pulled me down the street.

"You still haven't told me where we're going!" I complained.

His normal smirk appeared and he didn't answer me.

We finally stopped in front of the woods.

"Umm...what are we doing here?" I asked.

"Just follow me." He said moving some branches out of the way for me.

Leaves and sticks crunched under our feet as we made our way through the woods.

I will admit this is sort of sketchy.

Finally after a couple of minutes of walking, what looked like an abandoned shed came into sight.

It was half covered in trees and and half covered in rotting wood.

He went around to the side to a broken window and I followed him.

"Are we seriously going in there?" I asked nervously.

"Well of course. It's only right." He said jumping through the window. Once inside he turned around and offered me his hand.

I sighed and gave in. I took his hand and shoved my body through the window.

Inside I was expecting mold and about ten thousand spiders. Instead, there was a small grey carpet on part of the floor, with a coupe beanbag chairs surrounding it. A wooden table stood off to the side with an electric lamp and white container on top.

Thomas walked over and picked it up. He flipped the switch on the bottom and lit the room. He placed it back down and came over to me.

"What is this place?" I asked delightfully surprised.

"Welcome to the jungle, or the circle shack." He smiled. "This is where the circle likes to come to escape everyone."

He then crouched to lay down on the carpet. He patted the spot next to him.

"How clean is this thing?" I asked getting down next to him.

"Good question." He answered putting both of his arms under his head. "Now anyway, where were we with our game earlier?"

"Right." I laughed. "It was my turn to ask you something."

"Alright, shoot."

"How much did that shirt cost?" I asked giggling.

He looked down at his white button up shirt that now had a couple patches of dirt streaks on it.

"Hmmm...that's good question I don't know the answer to. But more importantly, how much will the dry cleaning bill be?" He chuckled.

As we talked I looked up at the ceiling, which was dark gray, but I think it once was white. In the middle of the ceiling was a skylight which had a giant crack in the middle of it. Despite the crack you could still see the tree tops and the dark sky above them trying to peak through.

"So where did the name "Aero" come from?" He asked.

"It was my mother's middle name." I answered.

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