Character Bio - 2

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First Name - Ruby

Last Name - (Unknown)

Hair Color - Raven

Eye Color - Scarlet Red

Age - 24

Armor Color - Magenta

Primary Weapon - Crimson Energy Sword

Secondary Weapon - Dual Wield SMGs

Rank - None

Specialty - Medical/Healing/Close Quarters Combat

Personality - Kind and caring, easily angered, a little sensitive, assertive when annoyed, terrifying when angered, trusting, honest

Likes - Friends, craftsmanship, shock rounds, training, video games, organization

Dislikes - Explosions, betrayal, when people move when told not to, liars, broken bones, Freelancers

Mental Status - Recovering Amnesiac

Physical Status - Elite Freelancer Level

Origin - (To Be Revealed)

Upon crash landing into Blood Gulch, Ruby loses most of her memories and almost everything about her past. Throughout the Blood Gulch Chronicles, she creates strong bonds with each of the Reds and Blues, helping them in every way she can. After defeating Wyoming and Omega, Ruby managed to save the Beta A.I., who now acts as her personal A.I. unit.

(A/N- I have no clue as to how much time actually passes between any of the seasons, so I'm just headcanoning all the time unseen. Seasons 1 and 2 are said to be in a two month time frame, while seasons 3-5 seem to take place in just a few days if not weeks. The way time will flow is going to be based off of how I perceive it to be in the show because it's really confusing. And so, I'm putting 3 years between season 5 and Reconstruction.)

Red Vs Blue, & there's Magenta: ReconstructionWhere stories live. Discover now