Chapter 5

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Chairman: Dear Director, we can all understand that a shift from autonomy to oversight can be a difficult adjustment for anyone, but especially someone of your standing. In that spirit, we have attempted to accommodate your brief explanations to our series inquiries. Nonetheless, I feel compelled to inform you that even our trust has its limits.

The group found themselves just outside the Valhalla Outpost 17B.

Soldier: Sorry sir, those are my orders. Nobody can approach the crash site. You can't come in, sorry.

Washington: I need to see that ship, check my clearance if you need to.

Soldier: I know sir, but it won't matter, they said I can't let anybody in. . . anybody.

Washington: I have orders from command, Private.

Soldier: So do I, these came from the Director himself. Look sir, I'd like to help you, I really would, but this investigation thing, apparently they started talking to people within the Recover force. Now everything's getting locked down. You get command to call me and tell me different, I can let you in. Until then, there's nothing I can do. You can use Red base if you want to make some calls, that facility had already been swept.

Washington: Fine, I understand.

He turned away and walked towards the beach where the others were awaiting.

Washington: We have a problem.

Caboose: I hope it isn't a math problem.

Ruby: Me too, now what is it?

Washington: They've got the crashsite on lockdown.

Church: Oh great, we couldn't have found that out on the radio? We had to walk here?

Washington: They said we could use this base, if we want.

Church: Wow, the empty concrete base.

Kaikaina: Sounds familiar.

Church: Can we find somewhere nicer to hangout?

Ruby: Yeah, I'd rather just stay on the beach. Water's nice and warm.

Church: Maybe there's a cool nightclub nearby, that you can't get us into either.

Kaikaina: Oh hell yeah!

Washington: You all just stay here. I'll go draw off the guards. When I give you the signal, use that grav lift.

Church: The what?

Ruby: The glowy blue thing. You had one back at Blood Gulch.

Church: How do we use it?

Washington: Just step into it, it'll do the rest. Meet me at the ship.

Kaikaina: Hey, cop, what's the signal?

Washington was already gone.

Church: God dammit, I hate when they do that.

Caboose: When they do Wha-. . . Hey! Where is Agent Washington?

Ruby: *sighs* Let's just get ready.

The four waited next to the grav lift.

Caboose: What do you think he'll do for a distraction?

Kaikaina: Blare his siren.

Church: Make noise, throw a rock.

The Blue Base then exploded, sending stuff flying everywhere. . .

Ruby: *groans* Or an explosion.

Sirens then began blaring!

Kaikaina: Ha, I win!

Red Vs Blue, & there's Magenta: ReconstructionWhere stories live. Discover now