Chapter 10

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Director: Dear Chairman, our records in this matter are impeccable, and I will refer you to them. It is true that we were granted the use of only one A.I. program, yet with special permission to conduct our experiments. That is all we were allowed to do, and that is all we have done. Of course, I am sure that you will agree, that the core of any scientific endeavor is to find creative solutions to. . . unexpected problems.

The Reds were no longer in the Warthog and took cover behind a few crates while opening fire on Church and Agent Washington, who were taking cover inside the building to the left of the windmill. Wash was the only one shooting back.

Washington: Where did these guys come from?!

Church: I have no clue!

Washington: Do you think they're working with the Meta?

Church: Working with him? These guys don't do much working of any kind, and they're Ruby's friends so. . . no.

Washington: Look, there're the others.

They were in a catwalk, all tending to the unconscious Kaikaina.

Church: Are they alright?"

An explosion went off in front of the duo!

Washington: Ngh, hold on! Let me pull up he biocomm, check his pulse rate.

Church: Uh, you can check our vitals?

Washington scanned each of them, Kaikaina being physical state being classified as 'Critical' while everyone else was classified as 'conscious.'

Washington: I can check on the whole squad during combat. Keeps me up to date. It doesn't work on you for some reason.

Church: Yeah, uh sure. . . I'm sure there's a perfectly, logical explanation for that.

Washington: We need to get to them, my HUD says Sister is alive but hurt.

Church: Ruby's with 'em, she'll be fine.

Meanwhile, with the Reds,

Sarge: Simmons, keep firing. Don't let up!

Simmons: Yes sir!

Grif: And get the grenades out there!

Simmons: Yes sirs!

Sarge: Grif, stop confusing everybody. I'm callin' the shots.

Grif: We're the same rank now, I can do whatever I want.

Sarge: You're not qualified to lead in battle!

Grif: Qualified? How hard could it be? Simmons, you're doing a terrible job, and you should try to win harder. I mean try header. To win.

Sarge: That was awful.

Grif: I learned it by watching you!

Simmons: Excuse me sir?

Grif/Sarge: What?

Simmons: *sighs* Never mind.


The Meta watched the Reds on a screen within a separate room of the fortress.

Sarge: Simmons, aim for his bullets! Try to deflect them in midair!

The Meta's white armor then turned Red. . . .

*With Washington and Church*

Washington: We have to finish this, Sisted could be losing blood.

Church: Ah, let them be. Ruby's there, she's the only person I know that's good at medical stuff. Then again I only know two.

Washington: Well, what about Delta? The Meta could've grabbed him before they could've done anything, or the Meta could he powering up!

Church: You're way too paranoid.

Washington: We can't waste anymore time with this nonsense!

Wash activated his speaker.

Washington: *speaker* Red Team. Attention Red team. Cease fire, cease fire!

Luckily, a certain magenta girl heard him. . . .

Church: Hey, how did you do that megaphone thing with your voice?

Washington: It's a voice amplifier. It's standard issue, all our suits have one.

Church: They do?

Sarge: What do you want?

Grif: Yeah, what do you want?

Sarge: Shut up, Grif!

Grif: That's "shut up Grif sir!"

Washington: *speaker* We are not your enemy. My name is Agent Washington, I am a part of a special task force-

Church: *speaker* Testing! Te- Holy shit, it does works! This is badass.

Washington: *speaker* Stop that!

Church: *speaker* Ah! Don't use that thing right next to me. You're killing my ears ya douche!

Sarge: Wahoh, no! We're not fallin' for that again.

Washington: *speaker* I am a special agent, from command!

Church: *speaker* And this is the voice of God. Give up your evil ways. Join the Blue Team- Ow!

Washington punched him.

Church: Hey come on, seriously, you're gonna break it.

Sarge: Haw yeah, well if you're command, then you'd know our secure code word, wouldn't you?

Washington: What? Oh right. Hold on one sec. the code word is-

?: Code word.

The Reds looked up. . . .

Ruby: What. Are. You. Doing. Here?!

Sarge: Uh-oh.

Grif: Aw shit, uh, Simmons, be my meat shield!

Simmons: What?! Hell n-

Grif/Sarge/Simmons: FUCK!

Washington and Church both winced as they heard the shock rounds do their job. Ruby jumped down and landed between the Reds.

Ruby: Washington, did you get the Meta?! He escaped after I fought him off.

Washington: No, those guys got in the way.

Ruby turned and glared at them.

Grif/Sarge/Simmons: We're sorry.

Ruby: You three are idiots! The Meta could be anywhere, he has hit suit powered up now!

Washington: What?! Why would you leave the others unguarded?

Ruby: I didn't! South and Caboose are with Kaikaina.

Grif: Kaikaina?

Sarge: She's here?

Ruby: Yes! The Meta knocked her out and then I fought him off!

Simmons: Who's the Meta?

Ruby's eyes landed in a Red Soldier in EVA armor next to a Warthog.

Ruby: Um. . .

The soldier then lifted the Warthog with his bear hands.

Ruby: Yeah, that's the Meta.

Grif: Uhm. . . I uh. . .

Simmons: Well, shit.

Inside the building. . .

Church: *whispers* Man, it got pretty quiet out there. You don't really think they're working with the Meta do you?

Ruby: Run!

Grif: Oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god!

Simmons: Crap Crap Crap Crap Crap Crap!

Sarge: Double time! Double time!

The Meta launched the Warthog at the Reds.

Wash: No.

Red Vs Blue, & there's Magenta: ReconstructionWhere stories live. Discover now