Chapter 14

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Director: Dear Chairman, sir while I appreciate your concern, allow me to correct you in on area. I value all our subjects' well being, but I revere above all else our ability to continue as a species, our ability to survive. And no committee, no bureaucrat, will every convince me otherwise.

The Reds still evaded the hornet!

Grif: Hey, I have a question, why do we agree to come among in these things if we're just gonna be the decoy all the time?!

Ruby: Washington, stay here! I'll be right back!

Ruby rushed towards Blue base. . . Within it, Church stood in the soldier's body, overlooking the limp, robotic body to Agent Texas. . . .

Soldier(Church): Tex? Tex, are you here? Tex, come on. Tex! Allison. . .

He heard the click of a gun.

Soldier 2: Alright, freeze.

Soldier(Church): Aw, what?

He turned to see someone pointing a gun at him.

Soldier 2: They told us to be on the lookout for someone acting odd and your acting odd. So hands up!

Soldier(Church): Hehey, buddy. Come on! You don't need to be like all-

A crimson blade cut the soldier down!

Soldier(Church): Shit. . .

Ruby: Church?

Soldier(Church): Uh yeah, one sec.

He left the soldiers body and appeared as Ghosr Church.

Church: There.

Soldier: Huh, what happened? I feel kinda. . . *passes out*

Ruby: What're you doing here?!

Church: I just couldn't not do it! I had to see Tex's body, okay? She's like me Ruby. . . she should be here.

Ruby: Church. . . it's been three years, she wouldn't just stick around. . . . I. . .

Church: Then where IS SHE?!?!?!?!?

The magenta girl bit her lip. . . . The desperation in Church's voice. . . It took everything Ruby had to not rip Allison out of her head and show her to him. . . Even Allison herself has trouble not considering the option. . . .

Ruby: Church. . . you have to let go. Everyone's lost peo-

Church: Yeah, really funny coming from the fucking amnesiac! What the hell would you know?!

Ruby: . . . . . . . . . .

Church: I thought so.

The ravennette came to decision. . . .

Ruby: . . .Church I-

An explosion went off!

Ruby: Crap. What now. . .?

The two appeared outside.

Church: What is going on out here?

The Reds continued to drive back and forth, evading the Hornet!

Sarge: What does it look like?!

Grif: We're running from the stupid plane!

Washington: Well, we need to leave.

Church: There's a Warthog at Blue base, we can take that.

Sarge: What about this ship?!

Washington: Well, take it down!

Red Vs Blue, & there's Magenta: ReconstructionWhere stories live. Discover now