Chapter 18

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Director: Dear Chairman, I don't give a damn about your committee and it's opinions of my work. Have you forgotten sir, we were at war? A fight with the alien race for the very survival of our species? I feel I must remind you, that it is an undeniable, and may I say a fundemental quality of man, that when faced with extinction, every alternative is preferable.

Ruby, Wash, and Church ran from a group soldiers shooting at them!

Soldier: Over here! Over here!

Washington: Get that that door!

Ruby tapped a panel as they passed it, stopping the enemies with a metal door! They arrived with the others.

Washington: What's the status up here?

Grif: Fucked up, about to die. Simmons is a still a nerd, the usual.

Sarge: Meta's here too and it looks like we've got at least half a dozen squads out there. They know know out position and we're outgunned.

Washington: So what's the plan?

Sarge: Well, we were gonna retreat down the hall until you just brought more guards up that way. So now the plan's pretty much to go down swinging. You first.

Grif: Hey Simmons, can you get back on the computer and change my affiliation from Red to Freelancer?

Simmons: Traitor.

Grif: Hey, you gotta go with the winner.

Caboose: Um, could you change my job title to something more important like astronaut-oh! I know, Space Marine!

Church: What are you idiots doing?

Simmons: This computer has all of commands records.

Church: It does? Records on everybody?

Simmons: Yeah, you know, theoretically.

Church: Search for the Alpha.

Simmons did so, but it came up blank.

Simmons: Well, theory proven wrong.

Church sighed as Ruby placed a hand on his shoulder.

Ruby: It's going to be alright Church.

Church: Yeah yeah. . . This sucks.

Ruby: Alright, we still need to find a way out of here. Let me check how far away the Meta is. . . .

She looked at the tracker in her visor and it said he was hundreds of miles away.

Ruby: Um, are you guys sure the Meta's here?

Kaikaina: It's what Delta told us.

Ruby: Crap! He must've messed with the tracker. I have no idea where he is!

Washington: We just need to be ready when he shows up then.

A loud clang of metal went off!

South: What the hell was that?

Sarge: Come on, do you even need to ask?

Ruby: You've got to be kidding me. . . .


All the Freelancers at the base looked up at the Meta, who was overshieleded and cloaked.

Freelancer: Primary Target has arrived, engage! Engage!

The battle began!


Church: The Meta?! How's he get inside the compound?!

Red Vs Blue, & there's Magenta: ReconstructionWhere stories live. Discover now