17. The records

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Ernouf, being the Alpha werewolf, easily pins me to the ground and a groan erupts from me when I hit the floor, injuring my head. For a split second, I actually see three versions of him, all looking equally terrifying and deadly.

"Tell me, how have you entered here so easily?" He growls showing his canines, but the impact on my head still hasn't shaken off from me yet and all I can respond is a groan. What does he mean? How have I come here so easily? It didn't feel easy, but I am gonna count myself lucky.

"I don't know."

"Liar!" He accuses me and adds pressure on my shoulder, where his paws pin me. I let out a blood-curdling scream.

" I am not lying!" I shout and try to move his hands from my shoulders, but they don't even budge. Instead, he applies even more pressure and I can feel my bones cracking at that.

"Get off me!" My mind starts to panic as my shoulders ache. It’s almost as if my bones have been long crushed already.

"Only if you tell me how you did it," Ernouf bargains and stares at me. For a second I see his beta wolf in his eyes and I wonder if this is Karma.

"Yes! Fine!" I grunt in pain when he finally removes his paws from my shoulders and I can finally feel the blood rushing in. Grunting a few more times, I finally get up and stand. The pain subdued a bit, maybe my bone wasn't broken after all.

"Look, I didn't kill your beta. After entering, I fell in a net trap. Now, I don't know what happened up there but there was some commotion and the next thing I knew was your beta falling on top of me. That might have caused the net to break, after that I ran into the darkness and that's when I found a door which led me here."

I hold my breath, waiting to hear what Ernouf has to say about this.

"Impossible. You aren't even lying" He whispers and gazes off, staring into the Scarenville town which is seen from the window. Still injured I wait for him to continue, but instead he doesn't react and his face remains neutral, his eyes life less and his mouth half open.

This posture soon reminds me of the moment Damien had turned into a statue for a few moments when he had caught me escaping from Scarenville the first time. Maybe it's a thing amongst supernatural creatures. Recalling, when Damien was deep in his thoughts, he hadn't moved a bit at all until I moved forward towards him.

I quickly steal a glance at Ernouf one last time before I slowly start tip-toeing towards the shelf of books.

When I reach the shelf, I completely forget about a statue werewolf nearby me and get completely lost within myself. The shelf is covered with thick old books and spiderwebs, and dust covers most of the books.

I mindlessly search through the number of books, resting my hand on each of them and moving to the next. There are a lot of books starting from the original copy of human mythologies to the record book of each supernatural creature. There are volumes on each record, having information about old war and short biographies about each important person.

I find the VII volume of the Vampire history records and find it to be the newest version. One not having much dust upon it, I wonder if anything is written about Damien. For a shot, I felt like taking a sneak-peek and checking what's written, but pause when I notice there is another book next to it completely clean.

X volume of the Witches history record. My heart stops beating for a second before my eyes pop out in shock. The book looks even neater than than the recent Vampire records.

Would there be information about Jennet? I gulp and quickly snatch the book from its place and open, coughing a bit when I realize the first pages contain dust, indicating that they are old.

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