5. Surprise

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I enter my new school, holding my breath with each step and my books clutched to my chest. The note Damien left in my room is still ingrained in my memory, making me expect the unexpected.

Thousands of questions evade my mind, and I dont know the answer to any of them. But I couldn’t just sit there lost, so I ended up packing up my stuff, which explains why I am now dragging my feet down the school halls - with hesitance evident in each step.
People’s stare shift towards me, before quickly diverting their attention elsewhere.

Well... I guess that means they probably don’t know what has happened… luckily.

I walk through the now-familiar corridor and stop next to my locker. The timetable is stuck with a magnet inside my locker and I note it is time for Geography. To be honest, I am not really a fan of geography, but I don’t really have an option here, so I start navigating towards my class while trying to calm my nerves. My eyes search the labels on each door as I stroll through the corridor filled with pale teens.

I am still not exactly familiar with the corridor since I am always alone - not that anyone is going to come and help me, so I am on my own. Lost in my thoughts my body collides with a hard chest, causing me to almost lose my balance and break my nose, groaning I glance up at the person. And all the color on my face drains out of me as I lock my eyes with Damien- the last person I wanted to see today.

“Watch where you are going, Rosy,” his voice being laced with a playful tone, before pushing me to the right wall and walking past ms. My shoulders hurt to the impact and I immediately snap.

"Hey! You should also look at  where you are going!” My nose flares with rage.

I mean, you can’t just boss me around! I am THE boss.

He freezes in his tracks, his back still in front of me and his jet black jacket mocking me. He faces me with an eyebrow raised, causing my heart to beat faster. He was making this moment nerve-wracking for me purposely, and I hated that.

“Is that so?” he challenges.

I nod my head. Damien watches at me with an amused expression and starts approaching me, stopping when his face is just inches away from mine. I stare into his golden coloured eyes, slowly getting lost in them. Neither of us blink as a silent staring contest occurs between us. Within a second, his body is behind me, surprising me.

He was just in front of me!

“Your mortal eyes are too slow to capture my speed.” he replies with a mocking tone, clearing my doubts that he has supernatural speed. My breath hitches when I realize how close his face is to my neck. He has the power to dig his fangs into my skin if he wants to.
But my question is why hasn't he bitten me yet? What is he waiting for?

He then chuckles and studies me and then speaks in the most enchanting voice.

“Time for class.” Then without another word he walks past me while whistling, and just then the bell rings.

Well, he isn't wrong; I think and move in search of my class. I soon find a door with “Geo” written on top and push the door open. As soon as I enter the class, My eyes automatically scans for the devil's face, once I don't find him my shoulders slump. Ok, Damien isn’t in this class. I grab a random chair and sit on it.

The class soon starts, but my mind is somewhere else. It is still on the time when Damien had scratched the note on my door, The new nickname Rosy, ugh, Amora looking younger, most of the people acting cold, Damien, Why he hasn’t bitten me yet… and many more.

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