7. Spy? I am not a spy!

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What do I do? What do I do?

Pacing back and forth in this small room is not helping. My eyes flicker over to the window, examining the weight I had shoved against it. I had done the same to the door, placing my dresser against it to barricade myself inside. But I don't think it would help much since they probably have superhuman strength.

Be aware.

Damien's written words whisper in my head as my pacing continues. I look back at the clock and realize it's 11:20 already. "Damn it! This is of no use"

I grab for the landline and try to call Amora. I groan in frustration once the voicemail fills my ears. "Think Rose… Think," I whisper and search through the small mini-kitchen,  finding a small knife and see it glint. Glint… Google. Hopefully, whatever they say is right - I think and shuffle through my bag to remove my phone. I then remove my old beat-up phone and open the search engine. My fingers type against the keyboard - 'How to kill Vampires' and click the top article.

I read through the points they make and think.

Ok, out of all of them the only weapons I have are garlic, fire, and the knife to slow them down. I think and look at the time again 11:36.

I hurry into the mini kitchen and remove the garlic before pausing in my tracks. . Do Vampires really die from garlic? I think and try to remember Damien's dinner, which he ate tonight, and shake the thought off since it's useless. (I shake it off, shake it off yea. Cause the Vampire gonna kill kill kill…)

No need to take risks, I think and helplessly go to the counter to find a matchstick. I quickly light some fire and toss the stick on one of my clothes, which is wrapped on a wooden stick on the tip. The cloth instantly catches fire and spreads while I pick it up carefully and stare at it intensely.

Ok, I should be safe now.

I get my knife and hold it in my other hand, clutching it tightly, I glance at the clock again and notice it 11:51 oh god, how much time did I take to light some fire? And just as I was about to sit, the lights flicker, causing my body to jerk.

They are coming. I can feel it in my bones.

Closing my eyes in anticipation I take a deep breath- feeling somewhat prepared.
Looking at the window and then at the door, my gut feelings tells me something bad is going to happen.  I take a breath in deeply again, and close my eyes shut, listening to my gut. Why do I feel like I am forgetting something?

Just then, the sound of a loud crash fills the room instantly grabbing my attention. Dang, it! I had forgotten to lock the window in my bathroom.! Frick Frick! Being caught completely off guard, I feel someone spin me around and hold my right hand in a death grip. In reflex, my left hand quickly moves and slashes the assaulter's arm. The man gives a cry and howls in pain, clutching onto his wound, and drops my hand in the process. I turn around to run but freeze as I come face to face with two more men.

Both of them wearing a dark velvet tuxedo. The one on my right has Blue hair while the other one has jet black hair. Both look well built after years of training on breaking into student's rooms. But the one who assaulted me is different than both of them. 8 foot tall, he glares at me with those red eyes of his.

They look at me in furry and the blue-haired guy says "Knew she was a spy!"

I frown but stay alert. "I am no spy... Look I think this is a mist-"

I wasn't able to complete my sentence as all three of them quickly charge at me at superhuman speed. I try to dodge them quickly and run into the bathroom, hoping to lock the door. But they catch up to me. Ok, speed is not an option now. I need to use my brain. "Oh, yea? How can you fight then?" The one who I attacked earlier questions. Squinting his red eyes suspiciously. I pause and shrug "Reflexes" and quickly throw the stick I had wrapped with fire before on the tall guy who was standing in front of me. But rather than hitting him in the chest, it falls near his neatly polished shoes. The red-eyed guy glances at me and raises a perfect eyebrow before chuckling. "Now, I believe you," He states, before bursting into laughter . Almost rolling on the ground wearing tuxedos. For a shot, I really wished I could take another chance to hit them right but then think better of it. And head towards the bathroom. This time successfully locking it.

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