10. Damien's lies

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"Rose?" A smooth melodic voice whispers. I open my eyes with dread as I know it is my mother's voice. It is yet another nightmare which I am not in control of. Glancing down, my legs shake on their own - something I am also unable to stop.

"Mom?" I question back.

The place I am is completely dark with no light except a few candles randomly placed on the ground. "Rose, my baby." My mom sounds relieved to hear me and I gulp. What will happen this time? I wonder.

"Mom!" I start to pace around, trying to locate my mother's voice, but it seems to lead to nowhere.

"Rose, I need your help!" Tears roll down my eyes.

"Mom? How can I help you?" I said the same words I have said the last 7 years. All the candles blow out leaving me in the dark. I see and sense nothing.

"Help me!" Mother's voice echoes in the background.

"How mother, how?" I plead this time as I fall to my knees. Usually, the next horrifying minutes were of my mom screaming for my help and me pleading to know how, but this time something else happens.

Rather than hearing another 'help', everything quiets down. "Mom?" This is a bit different as I am now lucid dreaming. I am able to move by myself, but before anything else happens, my mom's voice runs again.

" It's too late already, help yourself NOW!" Her voice booms and I flinch.

"Mom? What?" I rub my arms, this is new completely.

"Run away," My mom said and my eyebrows shoot up in confusion.

"What? Where?"


I shoot up from my bed with a gasp. Oh my gosh! Her voice sounded so real.

I quickly check my surroundings and am greeted by the sight of my messy room. I huff a sigh of relief and I calm my beating heart.

I stretch my neck and move to my bedside table to retrieve the empty cup and fill it with water to cool myself. But rather, I find my cup already filled with a note sitting beside it. I frown and tilt my neck. Did somebody enter my room yesterday night?

I stretch my arm open it with suspense.

A note at my bedside table sounds fishy enough I wonder what might be written on it. A death threat? Bad news? Blackmail?
I breathe in.

Take a holiday, you had a rough day yesterday, and your room's a mess (I won't help with the cleaning ) meet us at Amora's room - Your temporary hot next-door neighbour

I roll my eyes once I read it. He isn't wrong, yesterday so much had happened. In fact, after entering Scarenville high school, I am not the same girl I was before anymore. I release my breath and then get up from my bed. Next, I carefully step through all the mess and leisurely walk towards the bathroom.

I take my time brushing my teeth as I am not in a hurry to see
Mr. Temporary (cut hot) next-door neighbour, besides, last night's conversation was surely not as humorous as the note is. I am sure Damien is trying to lighten up my mood, but I still haven't forgotten just how defensive he was. It is no doubt that what lies next after him turning to a half Vampire is a mystery. But before I can think more I close the shower and get out of the steam.

This time I decide to wear a simple black top and jeans with a blue denim jacket.

Perfect. Time to go now.

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