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The alarms starts blaring loudly and I am stuck in the net like a hopeless fish, trying to wriggle free, but is of no use. My whole body goes into panic mode and I try to get out but fail miserably with each attempt; the net cutting deeper into my skin the more I wiggle.

I take a deep breath and calm myself down, freezing my body movements.

Wiggling won't get me out of here, so there has to be another way.

My body goes limp as the list of possible scenarios enters my head. I glance around, blinking several times to try and catch sight of something, but it is way too dark.

It is only a few seconds later when the sounds of werewolves howling above me break the deafening silence. I close my eyes and clutch my knees to my chest as tightly as possible, releasing a deep sigh. Tears threaten to spill and I realise what a horrible plan this was from the start. How did I think that I would have easily entered the bolt?

Feeling completely hopeless I wait, strangled in the net, waiting for my doom.

Within several seconds, a large werewolf falls on top of me, causing me to gasp, before I let out a piercing scream. My scream echoes loudly around the empty space and I feel the Werewolf whimpering and trying to move. I start thrashing around.

"Help! Somebody! I give up!" My words echo and now both the wolf and I start panicking. "Hey! Where is your pack?" I try talking but all the Werewolf does is squeak and thrash more.

I let out a loud scream when its claws scratches over my arms, causing blood to flow through it. But, the Werewolf still continues thrashing around the net which keeps adding pressure to my injured arm.

I try to push him away from me but the net is too small and the Werewolf is panicking more by each passing second.

In the near distance, I hear a snapping sound, causing the net to break. I hit the ground and immediately groan as my injured arm comes in contact with the hard ground.

In pain, I try to untangle my legs from the net and within a few minutes I am out. Whimpering, I put my arm on the wound and get up, once I am up I realize why the Werewolf is thrashing around.

He himself is wounded, below his stomach is a huge gash, so deep that I could see its rib cage. I feel like puking and go forward to help, but pause.

Whatever did this to him must still be up right? No wonder his pack members haven't arrived. They all might be injured or dead.

The thought made me shift a few steps back. Looking up at the wolf, I am pretty sure it wouldn't survive much longer, and it's a miracle how he is still alive after that huge gash in his stomach. It would be of no use of saving him now.

My palms close into a fist and I take some more steps backwards. The wolf notices me out of the net and stops thrashing and looks at me from the trap.

Its white fur continues getting coated with red. Its eyes filled with pain, almost expecting me to help him. But I can't, I might get killed by it or the creature above us. Either way I am losing time.

Gulping, I turn away and start walking. I hear it whimpering and then howling loudly and I feel a deep ache in my chest. Was I always this selfish? Maybe I was.

By the time I reach the end of the dark hall, the whimpers are far gone. And now in front of me stands a door with a lock, broken. I hesitate, why is the lock broken? What if it's a trap? Like the one I fell a few minutes ago? The thought of the trap makes my heart ache deeply again and I groan.

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