07 | hate libras

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fun chit chat w da two


(Y/N) (L/N)

roode ass
im sorry
for being mean all the time
i mean.

spicy lil thang
if u wanna suck a lil dick
just say dat u
lil horny freaky fuck🙄🙄

roode ass
nvm i take it all back

spicy lil thang
but fr lol where did that
come from?
y r u even apologizing
its not that deep lol

roode ass
bokuto told me u got
bullied for how u used to
look in junior high
n that im making u feel

spicy lil thang
its fine u didnt even know
also whyd he even
tell u that kinda weirddd 😐
yall talkin shit ab me huh 🙄
such fans

roode ass
we're not but go off ig-
we were talking ab
things we would want in a
girl n i think u
just came up

spicy lil thang
wowow i didnt know
i was ur type 😏

roode ass
cuz ur not 🤣🤣

spicy lil thang
n here i thought u were
finally going to confess
ur undying love for me 😐

roode ass
i thought u hated libras

spicy lil thang
i do bc they were all
the ones who asked me out
as jokes 💀💀

roode ass
damn ok then
thats fucked up idk what even
compels someone to do that

spicy lil thang
yeah but there was nothing
i could do ab it

roode ass
i mean dont u know
self defense? so wouldnt they
b scared of u?

spicy lil thang
yeah but i never had to
do a thing 1. because my brothers
handled them and 2. my brothers
tell me not to fight and 3.
im not gonna hit a guy for
asking me out as a joke

roode ass
well seems like your brothers
are intimidating

spicy lil thang
they're rlly not

roode ass
so ur telling me
being 6'4 or 6'6
of pure muscle isnt

spicy lil thang
nah but thats just me
i learned how to take
on ppl bigger than me
cuz im strong asf 😎

roode ass
right u went to
army camp
do u plan on joining
the marines after high school?

spicy lil thang
not sure but i probably will
depends on how well i
do in school

roode ass

spicy lil thang
i mean that if i mess
around in school too much
im for sure joining the military

roode ass
so what ur saying is
if ur dumb ur sent
to the military?

spicy lil thang
not rlly but the military
is my second choice
its different from both of my
brothers path since they both
wanna go to college after their

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