13 | shopping

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kinda long chapter but
i just needed to
introduce new characters :p


"Kenma!!"I cheered as the rest of the fukurodani's volleyball team walked behind me. "Ah (Y/N)..."Kenma's eyes widen as he saw me running over to him "Oh nice you guys are finally here!"Kuroo said grinning behind him Bokuto ran up to us nearly tackling Kuroo down "Bokuto don't run in the mall."Akaashi spoke up finally catching up to us Bokuto said a quick sorry while scratching the back on his head.

"(Y/N) you're here!"Yaku and Lev appeared out of no where standing behind you.

"Hi guys!"I smiled turning around to face the tall first year and small third year "(Y/N) do you wanna go to the gamestop near the food court I wanna get a few games we can play together."Kenma came up beside me taking my gase to him I nodded happily "Oi Kenma don't gatekeep (L/N) for too long us girls wanna go shopping too!"Shirofuku called out having the both of us nod "Hey Kenma stop stealing (Y/N) away from us let us come too!"Bokuto whined making Kenma grumble mumbling a small fine before shoving us in the direction of the store.

"You excited for tomorrow Kenma?"I asked the blonde next to me who shrugged "Depends on which part."He responded suddenly Bokuto wrapped his arm around my shoulder making me jump "Dumbass you scared me."I crossed my arms making Bokuto frown "Akaashi she called me a dumbass!"He complained to the setter who was walking next to him who shrugged "So (Y/N) you still making cake for Tsuki?"Kuroo asked me making my eyes go wide leaving a small blush on my cheeks "I mean if that's what he wants."I say quietly looking down a bit.

"Oh how submissive."Kuroo teased as we entered the store making my face go a darker shade of pink "Have you heard of Overcooked it came out recently on the switch."Kenma turned to me waiting for my answer I quickly shook my head "Show me!"I say excitedly Kenma took my hand pulling us away from our friends to show me a game he was intrested in.

It was a multiplayer game where you cook while being thrown several challenges on the way like food sliding all of the place which made you stare in admiration excited for a challenge. "Hurry up and get the game already I wanna shop for some clothes we're gonna be together for two weeks."Bokuto called out from the front of the store which made us quickly pay for the game and start walking around the mall looking for shops that intrest us.

"Ooh Kuroo let's go into this shop!"Bokuto grabbed the black haired male with ridiculous bed head and ran into a clothing store we watched them disappear and I turned to the two boys "So what do you guys need?"I asked them while walking backwards "Just clothes also stop walking backwards you could run into someone."Kenma scolded quietly I sighed and turned back around "(Y/N) let's go into the store you usually
go to they have nice things there."Akaashi asked motioning to the very bright store with neon lights inside I grinned and nodded "Yes let's go!"I grabbed both the setter and ran into the store.

It was my favorite store for many reasons 1. because of the amazing fucking diversity in aesthetics and 2. THE COOL ASS PIERCINGS THEY HAVE. It was great I quickly ran to the earrings section leaving Akaashi and Kenma to explore the store for a little bit. "No fucking way (Y/N)?"A female voice said in surpise my eyes widen as I turned around "Holy shit Itsuki!"I grinned as I saw my friend from bootcamp I haven't seen her since summer and kept close contact over social media and with some random phone calls here and there. But there stood in surpise my best female friend her hair now dyed from orange to a neon pink from the last time I saw her and a new tattoo on her wrist displayed the girl smiled showing off her smiley piercing.

"What are you doing here?"I asked the seventeen year old second year and she raised an eyebrow "I work here, What the hell are you doing here?"She responded back grinning "I see you're taking care of the septum piercing like I told you!"She nudged my shoulder as she moved to my side "Yup! Taking care of it just like you told me!"I gave a thumbs up to the shorter girl.

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