08 | face cam

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discord chapter rawr xD
also short chapter


Ever since Kenma and I met we
kinda started talking more. Not in a romantic way If that's what you're thinking. Platonic- as friends today we just finished some bedwars doubles and we were now chilling in call talking about random things. Shoyo actually ended up joining the call along with Kuroo and Bokuto just to chat.

   "Kenma before the non blonde hair era? Don't know him."Kenma replied to Kuroo as he talked about his funny middle school experiences. Kenma didn't strike me as a violent person but it was funny hearing stories of them. "(Y/N) used to get in fights in junior high too! She ended up sending a girl to the hospital though and the girls in junior high stopped hitting her!"Bokuto added Kenma chuckled and Shoyo gasped "You sound so cool (Y/N) you should show me your moves!"He started making wooshing noises.

  I giggled "Yeah but that didn't stop them from bullying me they just stopped putting their hands on me."I drank some of my water.

  "I heard you injured your knee, can I see it (L/N)?"Kuroo asked Kenma sighed "Is this your way of getting me to turn on my camera?"I replied smirking a little bit "Maybe but I'm also a little curious of how bad it looks since your instructor literally boddied your knee."He replied chuckling a bit.

   "Ugh but what if Tsuki joins with my camera on?"I said nervously even though it's been two days since he apologized but it won't push away the fact I'm still insecure, sure we've gotten maybe a little closer but me being me I'm someone who forgives but can't forget.

Tsukishima was in this discord server and was currently online it just said he was listening to spotify. "I'll disconnect you it'll turn off your camera when I do."Kenma replied I hummed in response and turned on my camera waiting for myself to load I then way my face making me scrunch my nose feeling insecure already. I looked into my webcam staring at my slightly messy
(H/L) (H/C) hair that my headphones sat on staring at my eyebags and large hoodie that covered my body along with the silver septum piercing on my nose that was slightly crooked.

   "You're so cute (L/N)~"Kuroo sang and Bokuto laughed "WAHH YOU'RE SO PRETTY (Y/N)!"Shoyo complimented making me smile "I didn't know you had piercings?"Kenma said in surpise.

"Let's all turn on our cameras so (Y/N) doesn't feel alone."Bokuto said and all the boys did "Ahh it feels good to see all your faces."I grinned. "I just realized we all kinda face revealed to each other"I said covering my mouth Kenma nodded "Show us your knee!"Kuroo said loudly I laughed a bit and stood up and scooted far back into my room to show them my exposed legs due to me wearing shorts so it showed my brace that hugged against my knee.

   Tsukishima was listening to his music while studying and opened discord. Kenma's server popped onto his screen he waited as it loaded and saw that Kenma, Kuroo, Bokuto, Hinata, and (Y/N) were all in a vc.

With their cameras on.

As if the world was against (Y/N) Tsukishima joined the call.

   The dinging noise went off and everyone in the call went silent and I stared at the screen but I couldn't see that far into my screen in that moment Kenma quickly disconnected me. "SHIT!"I cursed and rushed over to my pc carefully since I didn't want to hurt my knee I scanned the screen in horror to see Tsukishima's discord name in the vc. I internally screamed and clicked on the vc to the guys screaming at Tsukishima- well more like panicking "Tsukishima please tell me you didn't see anything!"Shoyo put his hands in his hair with a concerned look on his face.

   "Fuck! I was too slow!"Kenma scolded himself Tsukishima turned on his camera too making my breath hitch at this fine ass man's beauty. His ruffled blonde curls that clashed against his white headphones and defined cheekbones and sharp jawline and those fucking hands that held the side of his chin looking boredly into the screen "Why are you guys panicking did she strip for you or something?"Tsukishima chuckled "No I didn't I was just showing them my knee!"I replied defending myself.

   Tsukishima raised an eyebrow making me blush 'HOW IS HE SO FUCKING HOT???'I screamed in my head trying to contain myself "If it's just your knee why can't i see?"He asked.

  "NO!"Everyone in the call screamed making him scoot back from all the noise "Jeez no need to shout."He growled "Why do you need to see Tsukishima? You wanna know how she looks like now?"Kuroo smirked making me go wide eyed Tsukishima scoffed "Who cares how she looks like."He responded "Clearly you, since your were so set on them and their knee."Kenma retorted making me giggled "Again I don't care, plus I'll see them during the training camp and theres no way they'll be able to hide themself from me."He smirked cockily.

   I furrowed my brows "Well then I might as well try."He chuckled and looked into his webcam making my head go insane 'FUCK THE EYE CONTACT' and he spoke up.

   "By the way (L/N), nice thighs."


pls eye contact into
the webcam is hot


𝐝𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐭𝐬 tsukishima kei ✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon