17 | knee slapper

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besties i updated 😏
3k reads yall r so sexy for that 😩

also i published a few more books
to keep u guys busy lolz check em out


My brothers had ended up bonding with the entire training camp by joining in on a few games. They left right before dinner though to go see our mom since our dad had called them complaining about our mom missing them too much and to hurry up and suprise the lady. Once again it was dinner and before we were let into the cafeteria we were strictly told to not start any food fights, more specifically towards Itsuki and Yoji though.

I sat with Kenma and Tsukishima was dragged to sit somewhere else with his team and Inarizaki was sitting with Itachiyama so it was the fukurodani and nekoma table now. "Tsukishima seems like he's enjoying himself."Kuroo pointed out while motioning his head towards Karasuno's table I looked to see Tsukishima struggling to eat with Irie being all touchy with the first year. I shook my head giggling a bit "Must be a pain."I commented while slapping away Bokuto's hand who had reached out to take some of my food. "Should we do something?"Bokuto asked, rubbing his hand as he went to take Akaashi's food who just let the big guy. "We should call over Tsuki- (Y/N) call him."Kuroo suddenly turned to face me and Kenma gave him a questioning look "What why me?"I exclaimed Bokuto swallowed down the food before responding "Why not?"I rolled my eyes, "Well I mean you are quite intimidating and besides I think Tsukishima wants to get outta there."Kuroo says while looking down at Kenma's switch to see what the guy was playing.

"Still don't know why it has to be me though."I cross my arms, Kenma looks up from his game suprisingly listening to the conversation "Cause that bitch doesn't like you and we don't like her so go get your man." My eyes went wide in suprise then gave Kenma a questioning look "So you're saying you want me to call Tsukishima over to see her mad?"The table nodded in agreement making me groan. "Just do it who knows Tsukishima might owe you one after."Akaashi spoke up with a monotone voice I sigh and looked at the annoyed teen with pitiful eyes but I was quick to notice how Irie was practically rubbing herself onto Tsukishima ticking me off a bit.

"Tsuki come sit here!"I yell catching his attention, Tsukishima turned to face me with wide eyes I waved my hand over for him to come over but not before switching over from Tsukishima's face to Irie's angry expression.

"Tsuki~ no need to leave stay here!"She whined holding onto his arm, Tsukishima glared at her and pushed her away picking up his plate and walking over to us. He set his plate down next to me and took a seat "You good?"Kuroo snickered at Tsukishima irritated look "That was the most annoying experience I think I've ever had in my life."Tsuki growled, I let out a small giggle "Your welcome."I sang teasing him which he rolled his eyes to, "Yeah whatever.".

To our suprise the strangest thing happened. Irie had come over and sat down next to Tsukishima, who was sat at OUR table. We all stared at her with wide eyes but not without Kenma glaring at her. "What the hell are you doing here?"Kenma boldly asked to which Irie responded with "I go where Tsuki goes."Tsukishima looked at me with an annoyed expression and I put my head in my hands "Jesus fucking christ."I mumble I looked up giving Kuroo a look that said 'I tried.' Akaashi raised an eyebrow at me and eyed me as if he was telling me to do something but I didn't budge so he sighed and decided to say something "I don't think Tsukishima wants you here." My jaw drops at the words Akaashi said and Kenma looked like he was about to laugh but held it in and I tried as well but I let out a laugh covering my mouth while I did so earning a glare from Irie.

"The hell are you laughing at?"She spat with venom I looked at her and responded with "You."I laughed even harder at her reaction resulting in Kenma putting his head down to drown out his laugh. "You're laugh is ugly you should stop."She insulted making me roll my eyes "At least I don't force myself onto people who clearly don't want anything to do with you." I sassily replied the table gasped and Akaashi looked away with Bokuto and Kuroo covering their mouths, Kenma was shaking from muffling his laughter.

She then got up making me more alert. Itsuki seemed to have noticed because she then called out for me "Girl get your ass up she clearly wants to fight!" I snapped out of my train of thought and stood up too but not without Bokuto pullinb my hand. Usually at the military camp when you get up during an argument it means you wanna settle it outside. I looked down at her she seemed to be about 5'3 and a little on the thinner side "Oh bestie beat her ass!" Yoji started clapping catching the attention of everyone in the room, fortunately for me there were no coachs in the cafeteria that could stop us. "The girls are fighting-"Atsumu said while laughing and Itsuki got up walking over to us patting my shoulder while eying Irie.

"You want me to take her or should I?"Itsuki asked, Itsuki was a little smaller than Irie but more on the muscular side but I shook my head "I don't mind pounding down an ankle biter."I say smirking a bit Bokuto continued to tug on my arm "(Y/N) come on sit down-" Bokuto got cut off by Irie "I'll have you know I used to teach taekwondo."She grinned making me roll my eyes "The fuck are you gonna do? Slap my knees?" I start laughing causing Kenma to burst out laughing as well and Itsuki turned away covering her mouth she glared at me and I glared back "Okay that's enough of that- How about we all sit down and eat our dinner!"Kuroo got in between us I shook my head in suprise not even noticing his presence. We had a stare off and but Irie broke it by spinning around dramatically and doing some extra ass hair flip "I can taste your split ends."I say causing Irie to glare at me again.

"How about you Irie sit back at your table instead of ours."Akaashi came up behind me with a stern look "And why should I do that?"She scoffed and Akaashi crossed his arms "Because you were never invited."He says plainly I almost laugh at the face she made and she shot her head in the direction of Tsukishima.

"Tsuki do something! Your friends are ganging up on me."She whined and Tsukishima got up and turned around with an irritated and pissed off look causing a chill to go down my spine. "Sit your ass somewhere else you're annoying."My jaw dropped at Tsukishima's words but suddenly an arm wrapped around my shoulder and I looked at Tsukishima who just pulled me into his chest. He gave a mischievous lookinh smirk when he looked down at me and then back at Irie "You're disrupting my time with my girlfriend."I swear I heard glass break and I shot my head up at Tsukishima who looked down at me "Isn't that right, babe"I stiffened at his words "Play along dumbass."He leaned down and whispered into my ear.

I let out a hard laugh patting his chest while looking at Irie "Y-You're dating her?!"Irie was infuriated and was practically shaking "Yup! H-He's taken."I say hesitantly and slam my fist into his chest a little softly but a little harder than the other pats. Irie looked back at Tsukishima then back at me then back at Tsukishima and grit her teeth letting out an annoyed squeal then stomped away and out of the cafeteria. Claps started to erupt from all the tables and I laughed pretending to be like a movie star and wave my hands around, I felt Tsukishima's hands grip my waist and his head leaned down to my ear again "Good work babe."He huskily says before letting me go to sit down again leaving me all red and shell shocked.


shit chapter but wtvrz
ill probably edit
this or something idk

but byeeeee


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