15 | obsessed gremlin

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idk why this took so long
to write pero im currently
making another book rn
n its gonna b gr8 😩

also im so bad at writing irls
pls bare with me


"(Y/N) come sit over here!"Bokuto waved his arms like a mad man and I stared at the table filled with boys but I noticed some pink hair which made me a little more excited I slid in between Yoji and some other guy not paying attention to who "Hey bestie."I say as I put my plate in front of me "Ok ms girl making moved already~"Yoji whispered in my ear and I raised my eyebrow then his eyes motioned to right next to me and I looked at saw Tsukishima eating he must've noticed me staring because he looked at me from the side "What?"He asked I quickly looked down at my food "Nothing."I silently reply Yoji scrunched up his face and sighed Itsuki kicked my leg softly underneath the table and moved her head a bit in the direction of Tsuki.

   "Wait (Y/N) how do you know Yoji and Itsuki?"Suna asked from the end of the table Yoji grinned and put an arm around my shoulder "We went to military camp together also she was Itsuki's bunk mate."I nodded in agreement "Yup
I remember us meeting (Y/N) like it was yesterday."She laughed and started to eat her food.

"Itsuki can you tell us more about the sewerr story?"Kenma asked he was sitting next to her and she nodded and told about the sewer story and how we found a rat fucking a dead rat. Pretty disgusting and Sakusa literally left the table after hearing it. "And you touched it?"Tsukishima looked at me in digust I rolled my eyes "I kicked it with my foot for your information and how would we have known it was dead if I didn't!"I tried to justify it "That's pretty gross."Atsumu said looking at his food before pushing it away "I don't wanna eat anymore."Osamu quickly took his brothers plate earning a complaint from Atsumu.

I noticed Itsuki staring behind me. Well more like sending a death glare behind me I turned around to see the same girl who was mugging me earlier in the day when Shirofuku gave me Tsukishima's cake "Who the fuck is she and why does she keep staring at you like boo the fuck."Itsuki suddenly scoffed and dropped her fork Yoji told her to sit down as she looked like she was gonna get up "Who are you guys talking about?"Bokuto asked looking around for people looking at me "The brown haired bitch with no tits in the white shirt."Itsuki crossed her arms everyone in our table turned around to find the brown haired girl in the white shirt.

   Tsukishima groaned in annoyance and lowered his head down and Kuroo started laughing pointing at the blonde next to me "I-Is that-"Kuroo said in between laughs "No way I think Tsuki's little obsessed gremlin doesn't like (Y/N)!"I raised and eyebrow "Oh they're talking about the girl Tsuki almost filed a restraining order against."Yamaguchi informed us and we all looked at Tsukishima in worry "Shit so he wasn't lying."Kenma said in disbelief and started to mind his own buisness by eating his dinner.

"Bitch a restraining order?"Yoji asked slapping his hand over his mouth "Ms girl you should have (Y/N) as your personal body guard."He poked my side making me squeak I glared at him "How when one kick to the knee can send her to the hospital."Tsukishima raised an eyebrow Yoji shrugged "I mean (Y/N) is pretty intimidating even if they are kinda soft spoken."Itsuki commented I shook my head "I'm only intimidating because I have two guys around me all the time and Akaashi has a resting bitch face and Bokuto is muscular."I tried to get myself out of the conversation which was true people only found me scary because I always had people around me. Like in junior high there were my brothers and Bokuto then at military camp there was Itsuki and Yoji who were basically pros and then in high school I have Bokuto and Akaashi it was kinda frustrating how I looked like I could never take care of myself.

"Bitch alert bitch alert I think she's coming over."Itsuki giggled and send me and Yoji a mischievous look and I rolled my eyes "Shit someone do something- I don't want her coming over here."Tsukishima furrowed his brows "Tsuki~"The girl's high pitched voice called out the guy tensed "For fucks sake."He grumbled Kuroo tried to hold in a laugh and Suna was smirking at Tsukishima's torture. "Tsukishima do you wanna go on a walk with me?"She asked nicely "No I'm eating."He replied bluntly then pouted soon she realized I was also looking at her to which she glared at me "Who's this."She asked I looked at everyone else thinking they were gonna say something. Then thought that Itsuki said something she would say it with her fist.

"Well who are you?"I replied back with a petty smile. "Honoka Irie nice to meet you."She said with a fake tone I looked her in the eyes "Aw I wish I could say the same."I propped up my elbow onto the table to I could rest my head on my hand. She didn't take what I said too lightly and turned back to Tsukishima "Tsuki why are you sitting next to a bitch?"She asked innocently making me look at at Itsuki and Yoji with my mouth open "I mean shit- if you do it ima do it."Itsuki said to Yoji hinting something "If you do it ima do it."He smirked at his sister to which Itsuki nodded her head "Damn that's evil twin!"She sang she held out her hand which Yoji took her hand and did a little handshake "I guess we evil then~"Yoji then stood up and picked up some food with his bare hand and threw it at Irie making us all gasp "You asshole-"She screeched but Itsuki was quick to cover him she stood up on the table "Food fight!"She screamed and started throwing food at other people which they all quickly joined in.

I squealed and joined in out the fun by throwing some food at Irie which hit her right in the face which she screamed. The coaches were screaming telling us to stop and Sakusa ran out the door the moment he heard the word 'fight' I threw food at Tsukishima who paused and looked down at me with a glare I shrunk in fear but then he threw his food at me and my jaw dropped "You dick!"I yelled and he ran away from me while I chased him with a handful of what was our dinner.


lwk had fun writing this ngl 🙄🙄


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