Chapter 11

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You shifted awkwardly on the mattress you sat on, sighing as you stood up, eyes plastered onto the wooden door of the bathroom you had yet to open, approaching it.

"I'm gonna freshen up.." you told him, fingers meeting with the steel knob of the door.

The doll hummed in response, walking away from you as you eyed him from behind with a glare, rolling your eyes before entering the bathroom.

You looked around the smaller room, observing everything in sight. The walls were tiled with white. There was no light, the only thing filling the room up with slight brightness was the sunlight that barely shot through the barred up window that was placed too high for you to reach.

You shivered slightly at the eeriness felt, everything was so dry, except for the tap, that rusted water leaked out from into the sink, above it, hanging a stained mirror that you could barely see your reflection in.

You proceeded to get undressed, stopping yourself from doing so as you turned towards the door, locking it.

He couldn't reach to get inside even if he wanted to, but you weren't taking any chances.

You turned back around, stripping yourself from your clothing before tying your hair using the hair band you had on your wrist, leaving a red mark around it, showing where it once was.

You walked into the shower, turning the faucet on the wall as water began streaming from the showerhead above, you left it in place, the warm water hitting and wetting you skin.


You concluded your bath, turning off the faucet and grabbing the white towel that hung from a steel towel hanger behind your drenched body, wrapping the rough fabric around yourself as you stepped out of the shower, wetting the once dried floor with your soaked feet.

You dried yourself thoroughly, before throwing on the same clothes you had on earlier, not having any other choice but to do so considering that you were no where near your apartment. How you regretted not packing extra clothes and other appliances with you before making that escape.

You opened the door, walking out of the now steaming bathroom.

You felt your stomach rumble, realizing you hadn't eaten in awhile now and desperately needed food in your system.

"You hungry?" You heard the rough voice of the killer doll ask from around the corner of the room, making you walk towards his seated form on the wooden chair he once slept on.

You nodded in response.

"I think this place's a bed and breakfast or somethin'." The doll stated, fingers tapping on the handle of his chair as his gaze remained on you, his eyes holding a look of anger but you couldn't really identify if he really felt it or if his expression was always just fixed that way.

"Really? " You asked absentmindedly. "Yes, really!" Chucky responded, banging his fist onto the handle of the chair his fingers previously tapped on, which only caused you to jump in reaction to the sound, wondering why he was so grumpy all of the sudden. Maybe insulting him just now wasn't such a good idea.

"Jesus, okay! I'll go check downstairs.." you responded quickly, afraid that if you took too long to respond, it would only build his already growing infuriation. You turned away from him and towards the room's exit, your eyes turning towards the dresser you needed to pass, noticing that your car keys weren't there.

"What the..." You mumbled under your breath, spinning around to face the doll who only snickered as he held the keys up.

"lookin' for these?" He asked tauntingly, bursting into laughter as he noticed your dumbfounded expression return.

"Think imma be holdin' onto these for awhile... Don't want ya tryin'a leave me behind again..." He told, smirking as he stared down at the bunch of keys he toyed with in his fingers.

You stayed silent, not knowing how or even wanting to respond to him anymore.

He used his free hand to pull a few extra bucks out of his pocket, extending his hand towards you, offering you the cash.

You walked over to him, grabbing the money and once again, walked over to the door, opening it.

"oh, and, uh, if ya try ta' run, I'll kill everyone in this joint and it'll be all your fault." He warned, his eerie calmness making his unpleasant words even more disturbing.

You walked out of the room, shutting the door behind you as you ran a hand over your stressed face, leaning onto the wall for support for a few seconds. You were so completely fucked, the feeling hadn't settled in as much as it did now.

It took you a few seconds to come to your senses and calm down, but when you did, you made your way down to the first floor to get some breakfast for the both of you.


Chucky waited somewhat patiently in the room, he was consumed with the silence that filled the space, not that it bothered him too much.

His head snapped towards the door, hearing knocking coming from it as his eyes narrowed. It couldn't have been you, it had just been a few minutes since you had left.

"Room service!" A voice that appeared to belong to a middle aged woman sounded from behind the closed door, as the knocking continued.

The doll shook his head, rolling his eyes as he tried to ignore the woman's voice, that continued yelling in a faked sweet tone, asking if anyone was in or whether she could be let in.

"Fuck off already..." The doll mumbled lowly.


Given the impression that nobody was in at the moment, the woman searched through her keys, her foot tapping on the dirty tiled floor impatiently, pale fingers fidgeting around as she tried to find the one labeled with the room's number.

It took her some time to find the right one, smiling down at it as she picked it into the grasp of her fingers carefully, digging it into the old and rusted key hole, successfully opening the door with a twist.

She walked in, feather duster in hand as she pretended to dust away some items in the room, dresser, wooden table below the tv, cupboard and so on. Her eyes looked around, scanning the room to find anything valuable she could've taken as her own, she was so used to doing this by now, stealing from the people who stayed in the motel. She walked around before suddenly noticing a ginger haired doll seated upon the bed, her eyebrows cocking themselves over her confused eyes, not recalling seeing it as she entered.

She approached it slowly, hesitantly picking it up to observe it, her face disgusted, questioning why a children's toy portrayed such frightful features such as dark red stitches that covered the plaything's cheerful face and it's blood covered, torn child-like clothing. She also wondered what kind of grown adult would've owned such an ugly item, scoffing at it in disgust and unreasoned hatred. Her blue eyes widened as she noticed the green paper that was tucked carefully into the doll's small overalls pocket. She rested the feather duster onto the bed, using her free hand to dig into the doll's pocket, hand clutching and pulling out the money. She stared at the wad of cash in awe, obviously not seeing this big of an amount of money in awhile. She smiled wickedly, deciding right then and there, that she was gonna keep the handful of cash as her own, not knowing or caring at all about who it originally belonged to. Her attention, that was so locked on the cash she had in hand suddenly broke as she felt a sharp pain that began to sting the arm that was used to hold the toy. She screamed out in pain, dropping the doll onto the floor, as she grasped her pained arm, only for her eyes to widen at the sight of a large slit in her pale-ish skin that began to bleed heavily.

She examined it confusedly, wincing slightly as she realized how big it was.

"It's not nice to steal." She heard a child like, sweet toned voice cheerfully lecture, causing her to look down at the doll, flinching as she noticed it's electric blue eyes staring up at her, it's expression seeming to change from how it looked previously, now showing a menacing look that left her anxiously scared, questioning her own sanity. She backed away from the doll, watching as it's almost life liked glassy eyes followed her, causing her breathing to hitch in uneasiness as she squeeked in utter shock, not fully understanding what folded out before her.

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