Chapter 18

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You turned into the parking lot, noticing a few new cars as you drove past them trying to find an appropriate spot to park. One car stood out to you, it seemed really familiar, but at that moment you couldn't really put your finger on it... Your eyebrows cocked as you stared it down, before finally driving past it and into an empty spot.

Chucky was quick to notice your suspicion, "What is it?" He questioned, snapping you out of your thoughts as you shook you head, looking towards him and seeing the confused yet stern expression he was holding so clearly.

"It's nothing..." You answered, stopping your engine but still feeling his eyes staring at you before hearing him hum, sounding suspicious, but not really wanting to ask any more questions considering you were probably still traumatized and it, probably being the reason for your strange behavior.

The both of you exited the car as you turned around to lock it, turning around not too long after only to be met with the killer doll already standing behind you, making you jump slightly, just realizing how stealthy and quiet he could be.

He had his arms crossed, eye rolling as he felt the two palms of your hands grip his sides before hoisting him up and carrying him.

"I don't see why you have to carry me... It's fucking embarrassing and I would appreciate keeping the little dignity I have left! I'm a killer doll for Christ's sake!" He yelled, causing you to wince, hearing his voice boom as he expressed his anger and embarrassment.

"The clerk's gonna lose her shit if she see's you walking around and talking!" You whisper shouted, only for him to scoff in response.

"God, ain't it suspicious enough that you're carrying a doll everytime you exit and enter this place? I'm sure she's scared shitless of you, considering you look like a complete nut case as it is." He said, his insult causing you to tsk, slightly annoyed by his unfiltered rudeness.

"Just cooperate already, okay? I'll put you down in the elevator." You tried convincing him to stop arguing, tone sounding as calm, patient and sweet as it possibly could.

He grumbled something under his breath, causing you to sigh as you walked over to the entrance, looking down at him while he was in his toy mode.

You pushed the door open and entered into the building, eyes immediately moving towards the clerk, looking at her, only to receive a quick glance back before she looked away. She seemed unsettled about something...

You couldn't help your confused expression from showing, finding her behavior a little bit odd, but trying not to think too much of it as you made your way to the elevator, pressing it's button as it opened.

You set the doll down to his feet as soon as you entered, watching as he leaned against the lift's wall, his arms crossed intimidatingly. Your finger pressed against the 2nd floor's button, sighing as elevator's doors closed.

You were exhausted, the feeling wasn't anything new but it had really taken a toll on you recently. You wiggled your nose, feeling the dried up blood that stained the space in between it and your mouth. You couldn't wait to get into your room to clean and freshen yourself up.

The elevator came to a stop as it's doors opened, the doll walking out first as you followed behind him. You grabbed your keys from you pocket, walking through the old hallway that smelt like old dust with a hint of sweet fragrance that caused you a small headache as it filled your nostrils with it's cheap scent.

You halted infront of your wooden door, pushing your key into the knob and twisting it as the door opened.

You stepped into the unpleasantly warm room, eyes widening at the sight of a certain someone, sitting upon your bed, legs crossed with a cocky expression written on his face.

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