Chapter 32

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"Where the fuck were you?" The doll questioned fiercely, biting back his anger and muffling it through his gritted teeth.

"I just... Went for a walk..." You told, lied, eyes looking away from him as you answered his question, shutting the door softly behind you as you played with your hands behind your back, fingers curling themselves around eachother. The thumb of your right hand rubbed and scratched at the skin of your left palm, feeling yourself begin to grow nervous, legs starting to sway ever so slightly. Still, you managed to maintain the calm expression that masked and cascaded over how frightened you actually were.

"A walk, huh?" He hopped off of the bed, eyelids lowered plainly as his expression held a sense of suspicion. You watched as he slowly walked up towards you, the blue in his eyes being as icy as the chill that had just ran itself down your spine.

"yeah.." you answered, once again avoiding his gaze, rubbing a hand over your heated neck in attempts to calm yourself down, though it didn't do much.

"How 'bout we try this one more time... kay? " He asked, tone changing passive aggressive as he put on a forced smile, nodding for you to cooperate with him, his usual belligerent behavior being sheltered over by his attempt at putting on a fictitious act of a cool composure, his mannerism similar to how a frustrated adult would behave when trying to get the truth out of a dishonest child.

"Where... the fuck... were you?" He repeated his previous question, this time, even more aggravatedly, a pause following after each word, interrogating you testily. You could hear the irritability in his tone. He was about to snap at any moment, yet you still couldn't bring yourself to tell him where you had went or who you had met up with.

"I told you. I went for a walk." You hesitantly answered, your voice trailing off and becoming softer, knowing your claim was implausible, letting out a stuttered exhale, seeing the doll's unconvinced countenance.

"BULLSHIT!" He snapped, causing to flinch as he slammed his fist onto one of the drawers next to him, causing you to let out a whimper as you took a step back, watching as he approached you further.

"One last chance, doll... Don't blow this..."

"Andy... He... he knows where we are... He's coming..." You finally told, watching his face scrunch into an expression that held complete rage as he let out a deep sigh, his sharp exhale ending with a low growl as he brought his hand up to his face, squeezing the space between his closed eyes as he cussed under his breath.

"God...damnit! " He fumed, clutching his other hand into a fist as he clenched his already tensed jaw, so hard that you were almost convinced it was going to break.

"I'm sor-" you tried to begin your apology, knowing it probably wouldn't be accepted, but the least you could do was try. His voice cut you off immediately.

"Sorry isn't gonna cut it this time, doll... Not this fuckin' time..." He sneered, his expression haunting you as you realized what he meant by that.

He began to laugh balefully, the sound of it filling you with a sense of impending doom. Each time he took a step towards you, his evil chortles grew even louder and became more psychotic, terrifying you as you began to shake, fearfully wondering whether this was how you were going to be met with your demise.

His hand reached into the large pocket of his overalls. Your eyes widened as he took out his knife, gripping onto it firmly and grinning at you viciously, almost as if he had been waiting for this moment for awhile now, waiting for a good reason to finally let out all his bottled up anger and annoyance that he had been controlling for a certain amount of time now.

"I'M GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU!!!" He roared, holding his knife high as he dashed towards you. Your heart raced as you heard it boom into your eardrums, deafening you with its volume as it forced you to listen to it's thundering and continues beats. You were frozen in place, lost in a sudden daze, like a deer in headlights, you just couldn't move. Realizing how close he was getting made you finally manage to snap yourself out of it, gasping as you acted fast on the first thought that came to mind.

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