Chapter 19

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Andy took this opportunity to lunge himself towards the doll, tackling him onto the floor. Chucky brought up his knife towards the man's throat, the tip of the blade pressing and threatening to pierce the man's flesh.

Andy growled through his gritted teeth,
pushing the doll's knife gripped hand away from his throat, trying to twist the blade so that it faced it's holder.
The doll grunted as he felt his hand being twisted in his direction through immense strength, trying his best to prevent the knife from turning fully towards him.

The man roared out, trying to push out the little bit of strength he had left as he shoved the weapon through the doll's body, stabbing him not too far from his shoulder. “FUCK!" Chucky yelled out in pain, cursing as he felt the blood already starting to seep out of his fresh new wound.

He grunted in affliction through his clamped teeth in attempts to conceal his painful cries. He could hear Andy's mocking laughter follow, the sound of them only pissing him off even more.

Chucky's vision was growing blurry, eye lids threatening to close his blue orbs as he tried his best to stay awake and aware. A loud cracking noise sounded, Andy's blurred figure being moved out of the killer doll's foggy vision quickly right after, causing the doll's eyes to widen, trying to see what was going on. His hand tried touching his wound, noticing that the knife was still in place, and feeling the warm liquid wet his fingers.

His weak eyes adjusted, taking in the sight of you standing over Andy's body. The man looked close to being unconscious, his limbs twitching and moving slightly, causing you to give him another hard painful blow to the head using the wooden chair you had quickly pulled out from the room while he was still fighting Chucky. The doll gave out a weak laugh through the pain, following what he had just saw. 

You panted, fearful eyes moving quickly towards Chucky, seeing that he had already gotten back up onto his feet, right hand planted onto his stab wound, blade in between his fingers. You wondered how he was so calm about it, considering he was just stabbed by his own weapon and was currently bleeding out quite fast, sure, he did show signs of feeling the immense pain, but anybody else who'd experienced the same thing would've most likely been screaming uncontrollably by now.

“We've gotta get outta here..." Chucky told through deep pants of air, you could hear the weakness he was trying so desperately to conceal in his voice, feeling slightly sympathetic for him.

Your eyes moved towards the unconscious Andy, motionless body laid with eyelids shut. Your zoned out eyes didn't leave the sight, realizing what you had done, as a wave of disappoinment and guilt settled in. Your eyes widened even more as you saw a familiar object that threatened to fall out of his pocket, causing you to rush towards it as soon as you realized what it was. It was your phone... You grabbed it, glaring at him and then back at your phone in confusion... How did he even manage to get it?

“Kid!" You snapped out from your stunned stage, whipping your head towards the bleeding doll who signalled for you to follow him, and you did.

You hesitantly followed behind the small figure as he made his way towards the elevator, stopping infront of it and turning around, looking at you to press the button so that the doors would open, allowing the both of you entrance.

Your finger pressed the old button, the screeching iron doors sliding open slowly as the both of you entered, you pressed the last floor, impatiently waiting for the doors to slide close, which they did, as slowly and annoyingly as they opened.

“We're taking the back exit..." The doll grumbled softly, hand still pressed onto the wound. You nodded a response quickly, hearing him hiss in pain as the blade moved slightly within his skin.

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