Chapter 33

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Minutes had passed since Chucky had flung Arthur's phone out of the window of your car. You heard it break, crushed as the wheels from the back of your vehicle ran over it.

Your hand extended towards your radio as you turned it up, trying to keep your thoughts at bay as you blocked them out through the music that you let boom into your eardrums, distracting and somewhat comforting you with a sense of familiarity, taking you back to the times before you let yourself get caught up with all this chaos, back when you were still living paycheck to paycheck while working at Chad's shitty convinience store, back when all you had as an outlet to ease your stress from the troubles of everyday life, all those problems being seen as insignificant to you now, was a small stereo you kept at the back of your counter.

You couldn't say that you were all in the moment, paralyzed by shock and disbelief with your own actions, feeling like you weren't exactly in control of your own body as you continued to drive, seated down as your back pushed deeper into the cushion of your seat, wishing you could just melt into the fabric and disappear from the face of the earth so you didn't have to deal with any of this, your stress being portrayed clearly at the way your foot firmly pressed onto the gas as you sped up, zoned out as your eyes stared blankly at the road before you, the only thing you were concentrating on being the music that played.

Chucky glanced over at you, keeping his eyes locked on the expression you held as he examined your mannerism and the way you reacted to quite literally killing someone for the first time.

He paid attention to how your lips quivered, how your dominant hand always made an effort to wipe away the tears and sweat that ran down and tickled your face, how you closed your eyes and shook your head every now and then, almost as if shaking away the worrisome thoughts that fought and crept themselves into your mind.

He lifted his arm from the armrest of his seat, moving it towards your radio as he turned the volume down, causing you to exhale sharply, knowing it meant he was about to say something.

The last thing you wanted to do right now was have a conversation with him, especially about the incident that had just taken place, wishing you could've just forgotten it all.

“Heh, seems like I've underestimated you..." You heard him admit sheepishly, his words instantly hitting you and causing your heart to pound as you caught up to what he had just said, realizing he was praising you for murder.

Your driving speed gradually began to slow down as you took quick glimpses at the doll next to you, seeing him smile softly at your reaction to his statement, probably assuming that your eye widened expression indicated how delighted you were, though it meant anything but.

“W...what?" You stuttered, confused and scared at the same time.

”Didn't think you'd have it in ya... But, woah... That was... That was something..." He continued to felicitate, seeing you swallow dryly as your hands gripped onto the steering wheel firmly, squeezing it hard as you whimpered weakly, knuckles turning white.

“I... He was... I didn't mean to..."  You shook your head slowly, voice cracking, sounding as if you were trying to convince yourself more than you were trying to convince the doll next to you.

“Loosen up! There ain't nothing to be ashamed about."  He replied in attempts to raise your spirits, thinking it would make you feel better, though it obviously only made you feel even worse.

“What can I say? You're a natural..."  He continued to laud, upsetting you even more as your guilt began to grow, seeping into your mind as it crawled its way down to your stomach, sinking at it's pit and causing it to ache as fear and anxiety forced themselves into the unstable mix that brewed and bubbled within you.

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