Chapter 15

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Aman's P.O.V

Dinner was fun. I was glad that Alina enjoyed herself though I wished I was with her. But I needed to take care of some business while I was here.

As we all went to our rooms after returning, Rehaan again followed me to my room.

"Why did you book a room for yourself if you were gonna stay with me?" I asked as he plopped down on the bed.

"I just wanted to have a sleepover with you but if you want me gone I will leave." He said.

"Leave then." I said removing my clothes to change into something comfier.

"You really want me gone?" He said wiping his fake tears.

I rolled my eyes. "Stay then."

He immediately smiled. "I knew you don't want me to leave."

"Change into something else atleast."

"I don't want to go all the way to my room just to change." He whined.

I threw a pair of pajama on him, "Change into these."

He stood up happily and went into the washroom.

I laid down on the bed waiting for him. He came out and jumped on the bed.

"Since you are here anyway, I need to ask you something." I said as he settled down on the bed.

"What is it?" He looked at me excited.

"Does Alina and Madiha have any plans tomorrow?"

He raised one eyebrow, "Why do you ask?"

I sighed. I knew he won't tell me without asking first. "I felt really bad that I ditched you guys today so I wanted to make it up by going out tomorrow."

"Really? Where will we go?" He said his eyes shining brightly.

"We are not going anywhere. I am talking about Alina." I explained.

"You are going on a date?"

My ears heat up hearing that. "It's not a date. I just want to make it up for today."

"Why are you only making up to Alina you ditched Madiha and me today too?"

"I-I that's because.." I trailed on not knowing what to say.

"Where are you planning on taking her?"

I explained all my plan to her.

"You thought about this a lot, didn't you? You have it all planned out." He said laughing.

"You still didn't tell me if they are free tomorrow or not." I reminded him.

"I am pretty sure they are free. You should ask Alina now so they don't make any plans."

I nodded and picked up my phone. I texted Alina asking about her plans for tomorrow.

She replied immediately with a nothing and why.

I explained about how I felt bad and wanted to make up for it.

She replied that it's okay and sure.

I beamed brightly. I left the date part out because she might have declined after hearing that.

It doesn't matter if it's a date or not what matters is that I will be spending my day with her.

Alina's P.O.V

Madiha read the text from behind me and asked, "Is it a date?"

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