Chapter 3

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Aman's P.O.V

As soon as I entered my office I emailed Saif. He is an informer. Whenever I need research done on my rivals he does it for me.

I emailed him her name and current job. I also told him not to go too deep and just get me basic information because I am not some sort of psychopath who does background check on a girl they are interested in.

Soon Rehaan came in and started staring at me. Five minutes passed and he was still staring.

So I finally snapped, "What is it?"

"You are smiling. Are you sick again?"

"I am not sick. And I can't smile now? Do I need to get permission?"

"No but..but why are you smiling?"

I thought back to the coffeeshop and started smiling again. "None of your business."

He gasped dramatically. "Did you meet her?!"

I looked at him alarmed.

"You did!" He started jumping all over the office shouting some gibberish I wasn't able to comprehend.

"Keep it down!" I said.

He sat down and folded his arms properly. "Tell me everything." He said.

I huffed. "She was working at the coffeeshop. I payed the bill and left." I said as if it was the most boring thing in the world.

His smile dropped. "Don't lie to me! Please tell me everything. Please!" He said pouting slightly.

That face...that was the face that won me over when we were kids.

I was playing with my new playstation in the park. The only reason I was even in the park was because mom thought that I spent too much time inside and needed some fresh air.

Suddenly a boy who looked the same age as me came up to me and sat down beside me on the bench.

For some time he just watched me play and I didn't said anything as he wasn't disturbing me.

"Can I play too?" He asked me suddenly.

I looked at him suprised. "No." I said and continued playing.

Usually everyone leaves after I say no to them but he continued sitting there looking at me playing.

I tried ignoring him but he kept looking so I turned towards him to glare but when I looked he was pouting slightly with the softest expression I have seen.

I was suprised and confused, not knowing how to handle this.

"Can I please play?" He asked again.

I gulped. "Fine you can. Don't break it though." I said.

His face broke into a smile and he quickly took it. "Thank youuuu." He sang which I found adorable and funny.

We played it together and soon it was time for me to go home. The driver came to take me and I got up.

As I walked a bit a voice called out to me. "Aman! Bye! I will wait for you tomorrow here. Okay?"

"Why?" I asked.

"What do you mean why? To play ofcourse." He said as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

"But why would you play with me?" I asked again genuinely confused.

"Because you are my friend duh! You are not very smart are you?" He said laughing.

The Girl In The Rainजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें