Chapter 17

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Third Person's P.O.V

They spent a couple more days there. Working and having fun.

Something has changed between Aman and Alina. Everyone could see that. The way they behaved around each other. The way they talked about each other.

Soon it was time to go back. Everyone packed their belongings and prepared to say goodbye to the place they had so much fun in.

Alina's P.O.V

I felt sad, upset. Everyone feels that when we have to return from a vacation. Even though it wasn't exactly a vacation I had fun. I enjoyed myself and now it was time to go.

I had packed everything the night before. Only leaving my clothes for today and other necessities.

I picked out a pink sweatshirt with black leggings. I wanted to look cute. To impress Aman? Maybe. I have feelings for him that was clear to me.

As Madiha said I didn't wanted to accept it. Because it would make everything more complicated.

He is my boss. My employer. How will I work for him with my feelings for him? It would be too awkward.

But sadly I don't have any controls over my feelings. I can't control who I like or who I don't.

I took a shower and woke up Madiha. "I don't want to leave this comfortable bed." She groaned.

"You need to though. I don't think that beds are allowed in the flight."

"You are really funny." She said rolling her eyes and getting up.

I quickly tied my hair in a ponytail and applied some lip balm. I packed up everything that was left. Checking the room for anything else, I looked through it.

Meanwhile Madiha came out from the bathroom. "Pack your stuff quickly." I said.

She had also packed last night but her stuff was still lying here and there. She just nodded and sat down on the bed.

"This is not the time to think about life." She threw a pillow at me hearing this.

"I am trying to think about what to wear. Shut up!"

After checking three times for anything else left behind, I was finally satisfied. Wearing my sneakers, I took my bag and opened the door.

I saw Aman leaning on the wall infront. I waved and went towards him.

"Have you been waiting for long?" I asked leaning beside him.

He shook his head. "I just came out. Are you ready?"

"I am. Madiha is not. She will be ready in fifteen minutes, is that okay?"

"Yah sure. Did you enjoy yourself while here?"

"Ofcourse. It was so fun I don't think I will ever forget it."

His lips morphed into a smile. "I am glad. I talked with the team today."

I looked at him questioningly, "You did? Is there some problem?"

"No, I just wanted to make sure everything was alright before we left."

"Oh, it is then?"

"Yes, everything is alright. Everyone loved your designs."

I smiled. "Thank you very much. It's all because of you. You gave me this opportunity."

"I hired you because of your talent."

"Thank you for seeing my talent then." I said giggling.

"Your welcome." He said smiling teasingly.

"I will go check up on Madiha." Saying this I quickly escaped before he could see my burning cheeks.

Rehaan greeted us cheerfully as we walked in the airport. He had arrived early to take care of all the arrangements.

"Did you miss me?" He asked Madiha.

"I did not." She said with a straight face but the right side of her lips twitched.

"Don't be so mean. I know you did." Rehaan said pouting.

"I. Did. Not." Madiha said pausing in between each word.

But Rehaan just smiled sweetly.

I have a feeling she likes him. I will talk to her about it at home.

We all settled in same as before. As soon as we took off, Madiha and Rehaan started watching something on his laptop.

Aman and I decided to go through some work related files. We working when I couldn't help but notice that Aman looked tired.

He kept yawning and rubbing his eyes. After seeing it several times, I tapped him.

He looked at me his eyebrows raised.

"Are you tired?"

He shook his head.

"Take a break." I said again.

He again shook his head. Fed up with his behaviour, I took all the files and placed them away from him.

"Go to sleep." I said as I tapped his forehead.

"I am fine. I am not tired." He said trying to take the files.

"I said go to sleep." I said again with a glare.

He looked at wide eyed. "Okay." He said and immediately laid back down.

I grinned, "Good."

Aman's P.O.V

I was honestly scared for a second there when she glared at me. I wasn't expecting that.

But she was right. I was tired. As I rested my head on the seat, darkness quickly engulfed me.

I woke up with someone shaking me. I opened my eyes grudgingly. But the sight that greeted me made me happy quickly.

Alina was right infront of me. I could get used to this. Seeing me awake she shifted a bit and stopped shaking me.

I sat up straighter and rubbed my eyes. "Morning."

Alina's P.O.V

He said and heat rushed to my face. No matter what I can't get used to his morning voice.

We worked for the rest of the flight. Now that he was refreshed we had fun. We talked, joked around while working.

I stretched my limbs as we finally landed. After collecting our baggage, we walked out.

A person greeted us as we exited the airport. "He will drop you off." Aman said to me.

"You didn't need to call a driver. We could have catched a taxi." I said.

"You are tired from the trip. I am not irresponsible to let you guys catch a taxi after that." He said.

"Thank you."

The driver put all of our stuff in the trunk. Madiha sat down first.

"Text me when you reach home, okay?" Aman said.

"Okay, you too?" I asked hoping it's not weird.

Thankfully he nodded. "Sure, see you later." He said smiling. 



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