Chapter 20

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Running away from your family. I had always seen that on the news or the papers, kids running away.

I never thought I would be doing the same. Noah looked at me and touched my arm, keeping his eyes on the road. "I'm really sorry Annabelle. We just don have. choice." he spoke, his voice husky. "I know." I looked down at my hands. We drove and drove, new scenery appeared as we approached Portland. It was now early morning and I remembered something. "Can we visit the art gallery where your painting is?" I asked, remembering what his mom said. He looked at me. "We have to get out of Maine." he spoke. "Come on! Just a quick stop." I urged. I had to get out of this claustrophobia. "Well.."he thought. "Please." I begged now, I needed nothing more than fresh air. "Okay. We have to been in then out. It won't be long until Jason and the night riders will be searching everywhere." he said and I watched as the sun came over the horizon. Noah started to transform back into himself. His hair turned the dark chocolate color and his eyes turned to emeralds again, his skin turning normal also. "Does it hurt?"I asked when the transformation was complete. "No. More like that feeling when your foot falls asleep." he replied. "I wouldn't like that." I shuddered. A few minutes later we were downtown. A fog hung over the air, and the streets were mostly empty, except for some people jogging or heading to work on the early shift. We parked outside of a grand glass building. A banner hung over the entrance, "Portland Art Gallery". Noah reached in his pocket and took out a pass. "I should be able to get in." he said, and we walked to the doors. A swipe machine was located to the left and he tried it. A green light blinked and then there was a click. He reached for the door and I followed him in. The ceilings were high and transparent, letting in the early morning glow of the sun. There we many potted plants and had the feel of a botanical garden. We walked up a flight of stairs and I saw paintings. I walked past some, examining the the different shapes and designs, Noah behind me. I always admired art, and when I saw the painting of the wolf crying to the moon, I realized all the other paintings were mediocre compared to his. "I love this one." I said, brushing my finger across it. Noah just stood behind me, silent. Suddenly, he grabbed my shirt and kissed me. "Sorry I couldn't help myself. Being around you makes me-crazy." he whispered, his lips still against mine. I gasped, taken by surprise. "Hmm, is this dangerous, kissing a night rider?" I raised my eyebrow jokingly. "Extremely."he smiled, our lips against each others. I took a step back. "Well then we should go." I crossed my arms. Noah stood there, looking irritated. I found it funny. "What?" I asked, hiding back laughter. "That's not funny." he glared and I laughed. "We should go it's getting light out." I smiled, satisfied. "Fine." he grumbled and we went back to the car. "You know, it's not smart to tease a night rider. They always get revenge." Noah smirked, driving down the more crowded road. I looked out the window and replied. "We'll see about that." I said as we drove out of the city limits.

It took a while to reach New Hampshire, it was dark out. "Lets rent a motel room." Noah suggested. He hadn't changed into a night rider. It was every 48 hours. "I could use some sleep." I yawned. We arrived at a crummy looking motel in the middle of nowhere but it had to do. We got a room and went in. It was very small, with a bathroom, two small beds, and a prehistoric t.v. "I call the comfy bed." Noah said with sarcasm. I laughed and sat on one. It felt like cardboard. "As soft as a cloud." I laughed. He smiled and sat next to me. "I'm glad you took the news so well." he said turning to me. "Me too." I admitted. His gaze met mine. We started kissing. It became very passionate as Noah was on top of me, and kissing down my neck. I loved it, but I was tired. He seemed to realize this and stopped, resting his head on my chest. Damn my tiredness. "Here." he said getting up and allowing me under the covers. He was going to his bed when I stopped him. "Don't leave." I whispered and he looked at me intensely, walking back and under the covers, wrapping his muscular arms around me. I sighed with content and closed my eyes. This is where I belonged.

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