chapter 10

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  • Dedicata a Devin Snyder

chapter 10:

The next day-Sunday-I stayed home to look after dad. He insisted he was fine, but I knew better by the weary look in his eyes. I watched tennis, his favorite sport, made him meals and played cards. He kept telling me not to worry. How could I not? He had just had a heart attack. As the night grew, I knew I should get going to sleep. "You sure you don't want me to stay home tomorrow?" I asked. "I'm fine, I'm fine!" he threw his arms up. I raised an eyebrow and examined his face, he was legit. "Okay dad you better be." I punched his arm and said goodnight. I went up to my room and took a bath, then slid under my covers. So many things had happened in the past few weeks, I found it hard to focus on one thing. There was moving, mom, Noah, Willow, my dad..I decided to close my eyes and try my best to get some sleep that I had lacked.

I woke up. I had barely gotten any sleep. I moaned and stayed in bed for a few minutes, until I gained energy to change. I pulled on jeans and an olive long sleeve shirt with a key necklace. I brushed through my dark hair and just let it bounce down. I out on little makeup, then turned on my cell phone. I had received fifty text messages from Denise asking about my dad and at least twenty missed calls. I smiled and texted her. "Hey, talk to you at school." I replied and put it in my bag. I rushed downstairs and saw dad reading the newspaper like usual. The doctor said he had to stay off of work for at least five weeks. "Morning, how are you feeling today?" I asked and bit into an apple. "Good, I feel fine." he replied for the hundredth time. "Okay, if anything happens, you have my number." I assured. I left and got into the jeep. Time for school. Blah. I drove there and arrived on time for the first time. The parking lot was full of people and I got out, they all looked at me, like the first day all over. I was still the shining new toy. "Annabelle!" I heard a familiar voice. Denise was coming towards me, a worried look on her face. "How are you? I mean, how is he, is he alright?" she blurted. "I'm fine, he is too." I smiled. "Wow you seem really calm." Denise said slowly. "Trust me I'm in shock still, I'm not an open book." I shrugged.

"Yeah I guess not." she said. "Yeah, you go meet up with your friends, I'll be fine." I started walking to the school. "See you in gym!" she said and walked over to a couple people leaned up against a Volkswagen. I looked up at the sky. Gray. My whole life was gray. I acted happy around Denise, around my dad. But I wasn't. I was overwhelmed and tired, couldn't anyone understand that? A boy, good looking with blonde wavy hair, muscular, and a football sweatshirt on stopped me in front of the doors. "You're Annabelle right?" he pointed. "Yeah." I replied. "So you're new, where did you move from?" he asked. "Wow I'm surprised you haven't heard." I said sarcastically. He laughed. "I actually know you're from California. Just trying to make conversation here." he smirked. "Ah, I see." I said, pushing the door open. "He followed unfortunately. "So how you like this school so far?" he asked, trying to keep up. I paused. Boring came to mind. "Great." I faked a smile. "Good, it's a good school. Great athletics. I'm the quarterback." he boasted. "Oh, So you're like a celebrity?" I asked pretending to have a high pitched, girly voice. He just looked at me. "Ha ha, very funny." he rolled his eyes. I laughed and reached my locker. He just leaned up against one and crossed his ripped arms. "I'm Jason. Jason Fox." he brushed his fingers through his hair. "Nice to meet you." I replied and grabbed what I needed, then shut it. "Well this is goodbye." I said. "Dang it, how about you sit with me at lunch?" he asked. "Um maybe." I said. "Alright see you." he said and walked away. I unscrewed my smile and sighed, heading to class. No one said anything about my dad, so Denise hadn't told anyone. I was starting to respect her a lot. I talked about my dad to her in gym and what happened while we walked around on the indoor track. At lunch, I first sat with April.

We chatted and I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Jason, with two of his "football buddies". "Hey come sit at our table." he smiled. I really did not feel like sitting at a table full of football players. But, April encouraged me too, winking and Jason about dragged me there. They were all attractive, muscular, but I didn't care. They didn't know me. The whole time they tried getting my attention and getting me into the conversation, but I just stared down at my food and got lost in my thoughts. The day quickly passed and Noah wasn't in study hall. I remembered how we were going to meet up. The last bell rang and I went to my car. I talked with April and then drove home. Dad was gone. I read the note on the table. "Went fishing." I stated. "I cant believe him!" I murmured and went up to my room. I did my homework and then took a walk outside. I got home an hour later and decided to go to Noah's. I drove over and there was only his car in the driveway. I knocked on the door and it opened, Noah standing as hot as ever looking at me. His dark hair always seemed to be styled perfectly though he probably didn't touch it, and his green eyes always mesmerized me. "Hey, come in." he smiled. Shivers ran up my spine as I walked in. "Where is everyone?" I asked. "Work. Denise is at swimming." he said. "Oh." I nodded. "Want to go to the library? you wanted to ask me something." he said. "yeah. Sure." I replied. We got into my jeep again, he drove. On the ride there, we didn't say much, accept when a deer crossed the road and he cursed, swerving out of the way as I said to look out. We parked along the road and entered the library. The library was old, big, and had. lot of old books. He led me to a corner of the library where no one was at. There was a few chairs, scattered magazines, and a big window looking out at the woods. "So, you know how you said "don't hide" or something?" I asked as we got settled. He laughed. "Whats funny?" I glared. He smirked. "You don't get it?" he asked. "Obviously." I replied. He laughed and then his expression stiffened. "You don't show your emotions. It's okay too." he replied in that silky voice. "Oh and you do?" I asked. He wavered for a second. "You dont know me well enough to read my emotions." he said. "Okay, and you do?" I asked. "Enough too." he said. "You make no sense." I replied. "Can I ask you something now?" he crossed his arms over his black v neck. "Go ahead." I said. "Why did you really move. Divorce? Come on." he said. I sighed. "That's personal." I looked at the window. He leaned towards me, causing me to jump. "Tell me." he said. I sighed. "Don't tell Denise." I said. "I wont." he said in a husky voice. I told him about the divorce, then how my mom died. It felt good to tell one person. When I finished almost in tears, he looked at me in a mysterious way. "Anna-I'm really sorry." he shook his head. "You're right, it was none of my business." he sighed. "No. I'm glad I told someone. It feels better." I smiled, a tear escaping my eyes. He reached out and wiped it away, his hands warm. "Thank you." I whispered. He smiled his heart melting smile and got up, holding out his hand. "Alright, time to cheer you up."I smiled and took it, getting up.

*Thanks for reading I appreciate everyone who reads and enjoys it :))

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