Chapter 2

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On my way to school, I found it hard to focus on driving. It was a terrential downpour and not to mention I had no clue where I was headed and I was an hour late. After passing the same scenery five times, I found a building worthy enough to call itself a school. It was a big stone building that looked like a castle or university more than a highschool. I found a parking spot and got out. I almost fell over when I saw a banner hanging over the wooden doors. "WELCOME TO FISHEAD'S HIGH ANNABELLE!!". I internally groaned. Great, now everyone knew I was the newcomer from the "outside world". I sighed and slung my one strap backpack over my shoulder, proceeding into the school, avoiding my glance at the hideous banner. The foyer was big and open and had deep blue textile tiles and stone walls. There were a lot of flowers ( mainy roses ) and vegatation, along with posters and banners. The main office was to my right and I entered, gathering up my courage. I walked in and a lady with gray hair tied neatly into a bun and glasses resting on the tip of her nose was typing away at a computer. I stood there for a bit until I decided to get her attention. "Hi I'm Annabelle Sage." I said shyly. The lady looked up nonchalantly. "Ah sign in there." she pointed to a sheet for kids late to school. Nice to meet you too, I thought. "Sorry I got lost on the way here." I said scribbling my name down. She just nodded her head. I noticed the nametag on her desk. Principal Williams. "Here's your schedule." she gave me a slip of paper. "I'll call up someone to show you around school." she said and went into the back room. I bit my lip and examined my schedule. I was due to fourth period now, trigonometry. My least favorite subject. Mrs. Williams came out of the room. A moment later, a girl with red wavy hair and green eyes with freckles appeared in the doorway. "Annabelle this is April Duke. She'll be showing you around." Mrs. Williams instructed and went back to her computer. I made an effort to smile, though I wasnt exactly in a smiley mood. "Hi Annabelle, it's so great to meet you. You're the talk of the whole school." she rolled her eyes and smiled. I found myself laughing. "Trust me, I'm not that interesting." I assured. "Oh I doubt that. Come on let me show you around." she said and we left the office. "So where'd you move from?" she asked probably asking everything possible so she could be the first one to dish. After telling her everything, we were pretty much done with the tour. The building itself was very pretty. The problem was that the classes I had were very spaced apart, which meant a lot of walking. Luckily, April had trigonometry next too so we headed there. We entered the class room and it was the middle of a discussion. Everyone stopped and stared, causing me to flush a deep red. I avoided eye contact with anyone. The teacher was a middle aged man with blonde curls and glasses. "This is Annabelle Sage." April introduced to the teacher. "Oh that's right!" he said, clapping his hands together. "Welcome. I'm Mr. Bowe." he said and we shook hands. "Go take your seat, you can just sit back today and we'll start with you tomorow." he said friendlily. "Okay." I said and examined the room. There was an empty seat in the back. Everyone cast side glances at me and I just kept my head down and listened to the teacher. The bell rang and everyone watched as I got out of my seat, checking my schedule like a lost puppy. Studyhall. I walked with April who I found to be actually very nice. Unfortunately, she wasn't in my next class and bid me farewell at the doorway. I walked into the room with desks and kids messing around. And that's when I saw him.

hoped u liked it!!

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