chapter 13

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I needed to see Noah. I wished I could just go to sleep, but knew I had to say something to him. I left, driving slowly and reached the house. I walked up the steps, shivering in the cold. the door opened when I knocked, Mrs. Howard in the doorway. "Hello!" she smiled with warmth. "Hi, is Noah home?" I asked. "He went for one of his runs, sorry." she shrugged. "Do you have any idea were he went?" I asked. "Along the roads maybe." she replied. "Okay, thank you." I said and went back to the car. I'd just have to drive and look for him. I backed out of the driveway, and drove down the road, scanning the side. After fifteen minutes, I didn't think I'd find him, but suddenly I saw someone running along the road. I let out a sigh of relief and then butterflies filled my stomach. What would I say? I decided to think about that later. I drove along side of him and honked, his emerald eyes were fixed staring ahead, then flickered to me, as he slowed down to a stop breathing heavily. "Anna-what are you doing?" he asked, running fingers through his hair. I found myself stuttering. How foolish was I? "I wanted to talk to you." I shrugged. His eyes were locked on mine. "Alright." he said and opened the door, getting in. "That was something" I laughed as I drove again, not sure to where. A smile appeared but quickly disappeared and he scoffed, crossing his muscle ripped arms. "What?" I looked at him. He looked out the window. "I shouldn't have punched him. He's going to bother me until the ends of the earth now." he rolled his eyes. "He deserved it." I reminded him. "I guess you're right. I hope he'll leave you alone." he shook his head. "He doesn't scare me." I said. "He will if he abuses you." Noah said. "Abuses me?" I laughed. "I doubt he would do that."

"He did to his ex girlfriend." Noah murmured. I sat there, shocked. "What, you're serious?" I gasped. "Yeah got arrested for it. Everyone just pretends it never happened." he sighed. "Thats awful. Who was his ex?" I asked. "Denise." he replied with a tenderness that sent shivers up my spine. My jaw fell open. "That's terrible." I shook my head, trying not to think of it. I realized I was drifting in the next lane. I swerved back and received the finger from the person behind me. "Ass." Noah growled. He was rolling down the window. "Noah what are you doing..don't." I grabbed his hand. The whole atmosphere suddenly changed as my hand touched his. A sensation I had never experienced. He looked at me and then sighed rolling the window. "You are a good persuader." he sighed making my face turn light pink. He laughed. "what's Funny?" I asked, my eyes focused on the yellow lines of the road. "Nothing." he smirked and I knew it was about my blush. Everyone noticed it. "Where are we going?" he asked. He was in a black sweatshirt and Nike pants. "I don't know." I admitted. "That's assuring, considering you just moved here." he half laughed. "Verry funny. I actually just wanted to talk to you. I'll turn around." I said. "Okay, can I drive?" Noah asked. I raised my eyebrow in suspicion. "What, i like driving." he looked at me with puppy dog eyes I couldnt resist. "Okay, don't try anything." I warned. I pulled over and we switched positions. He started driving and I closed my eyes. I was tired. After fifteen minutes or so, I opened my eyes. "Um where are we?" I asked. He just laughed. "Noah.." I hissed. "Oh dont worry. It's no where bad. I love the place. You will too." he said and I sighed. Minutes later, we were driving through the woods and dusk began as the sky grew dark. We arrived at an old stone tower. "Wow, this is cool." I gasped, unbuckling. "Its been here since the civil war." he mused. "History buff?" I asked. "Nah, I just like this place, come on." he motioned me towards him, walking up the spiral staircase to the top. It was dark now, and stars swirled through the sky. It was cold but in a refreshing way and he gave me his sweatshirt. We reached the top and we were probably fifty feet from the ground and even with the tree tops. Noah layed out on the ground. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Looking up at the stars, come on." he invited me down. "What, no!" I looked around. "It's fine let loose." he said. "Ugh, fine." I threw my arms up and laid down next to him, our bodies touching. Electricity flowed through my veins. "It's beautiful." I whispered, staring up at the stars. I felt his breath and smiled. This was perfect. "I know." he replied in a low voice. "Can I ask you something?" I said. "Go ahead." He replied. "What do you think of me?" I asked. There was a silence. "Its hard to figure you out. That's what I like about you." he said. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Well, you don't convey your emotions. You don't talk to many people, and frankly I don't think you give a shit." he replied, cutting the silence. The wind blew across my face. I didn't know how to respond. Suddenly, I felt his weight shift and saw him on top of me. His face looked over mine and I felt my heart stop. His face was flawless and his eyes bored into mine. "And I think I am attracted to you." he whispered and I gasped. Was this happening? "Noah-" I looked up at him. His lips pressed onto mine. He was over me and I put my hand behind his neck, kissing more. It was the best feeling in the world. A spark ignited. Each of his hands were on the stone on each side of me. His minty breath misted my face. "Noah?" a girls voiced yelled. Noah immediately stood up, and I sat up. It was a pretty blonde girl. "Fiona-What the hell are you doing?" Noah sounded angry. "What are you doing? Who's that? I'm your girlfriend!!" she screamed. I felt my face turn hot. His girlfriend? I knew it was too good to be true. I got up. I needed to go. I headed down the stairs. "Anna!" I heard Noah following me. He caught up and touched my shoulders gently. I shrugged his off, and kept moving. The girl was following. "Get away Noah." I hissed. He had used me. I was a pawn. I got in the Jeep and drove away before he could say anything else.

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