MERCER - TWO YEARS (graphic)

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* CW: MENTIONS OF SEXUAL ASSULT; if you are not comfortable with those topics scroll past it, or skip this chapter!!! its also a bit violent compared to what i usually write

So sorry for late uploading! I am adding my OC to this one, because i felt like it

It had been two years. Two years since Marina got back into thieving. Two years since she met Brynjolf. Two years since she joined his failing guild. Two years since she became a follower of Nocturnal. Two years since she became a Nightingale. Two years since she killed Mercer.

The memories of the journey were still fresh in the breton girl's mind. Marina still had nightmares about it, along with her frequent nightmares about dragons. To say that the entire experience scarred her would be an understatement. Why Marina even stayed with the guild was a question no one knew the answer to. Not even the girl herself.

Yet she sat, at Mercer's desk, leading the now successful guild. She was as richer than she was in Cyrodiil and Highrock's guilds combined. She was rich, powerful, and it seemed as if she should be the happiest she'd ever been. However, she wasn't.

When Brynjolf first brought the girl to Mercer, Marina was fascinated with the fellow breton. She was interested in how mysterious he came across, and how much of a "bad boy" he attempted to come across as. Marina always had a thing for the bad boys. Mercer was interested in how unbothered the woman was by his behavior. The next few months she spent with the guild, she spent at Mercer's side. Sure, he was a complete dick to the girl, but she was just as much as bitch as he was and the two eventually got along as if they knew each other all along. 

Whenever Marina finished a job, she was to report straight to Mercer for her pay. A larger pay and a heated makeout session was her typical pay. If the girl were to mess up on a job or not do it the way Mercer, Delvin, or Vex asked, she'd not only lose her pay, but would have a pink ass and a hard time sitting the next day. 

Eventually the two became a secret couple. She had moved into Riftweald Manor, and two had matching glass swords, that only they knew about. Life was perfect. Maven Black-Briar was jarl, so Marina was rich enough and under enough protection to do whatever she pleased, whenever she pleased. Nivenor would have been jealous, had she'd known. This life came crashing down after Mercer and Marina's "date" to Snow Veil Sanctum, where he had tried to kill the girl.

Marina felt a warm tear slide down her left cheek. She shook her head and tried to focus again on what she was working on. She was supposed to be writing letters to her fences that were located all over Skyrim, but couldn't focus. Marina was thankful that Brynjolf had noticed her uneasiness and had came over to comfort her. His wrapped his arms around the small woman and gently rubbed her back.

"How are you, lass? I know why you're upset." He spoke softly, and Marina chuckled at how thick his accent was.

"I'm fine, Brynjolf. Just thinking about the past."

Brynjolf nodded, and squeezed her in his arms. "Go home. It's late, and you need the rest. That's an order." He laughed before releasing her from his hug. Marina nodded, yawning. She waved him away as she finished up what she was doing and headed home.

After killing Mercer, Maven decided that Riftweald manor was a fitting gift for Marina's deed, considering she was already living there. Marina was thankful, although the place still gave her the creeps. There were some rooms she never entered, including Mercer's "treasure room", after what had happened there.


"Lass, be careful. This is the last place in Skyrim I would send you." Brynjolf  frowned and shook his head at the girl. She scoffed and rolled her eyes.

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