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Not connected to my other Mercer oneshot!


"You have committed crimes against Skyrim and her people, what say you in your defense?"

"Uh, fuck off?"

My feet barely hit the ground as I sprinted out of Balimund's house and into the graveyard behind the temple of Mara. I had been assigned by Mercer himself to steal from Balimund, and was instructed to not get caught. Almost like clockwork, I was. I had been caught stealing more often lately and had just sat in jail for nearly a month.

I must have taken only a few steps into the cemetery before I was shoved to the ground. My hands were forced behind my back, and I was dragged back to jail.

Balimund swore he wasn't going to press charges as the guards rummaged through my things, pulling out anything and everything that even seemed to be stolen. With Maven Black-Briar as jarl, I thought that I would never be in prison again. I was wrong.

The other prisoners welcomed me back as I was pushed into my usual cell. I had been caught too often to even consider myself a decent thief. I hadn't made nearly any money from the guild, and part of me wanted to quit.

I only stayed for Mercer. That bastard was my world, even if he was a dick. We'd kept our relationship (which mainly consisted of spur of the moment fucking sessions and love notes) a secret from the other members of the guild. Mercer didn't want the others thinking he had a favorite- which he definitely did.

The thin furs that were laid upon an even thinner layer of straw were heavenly compared the amount on sprinting I did that day. My body practically melted into the bed, and my eyes fluttered shut as well. I could feel myself falling asleep when a small scratching echoed through my cell.

My eyes shot open and stung from exhaustion. I blinked a few times to let my eyes adjust before looking around. Nothing. I thought that a Skeever had made its way inside. Bending over the edge of the bed, I grabbed a pebble and tossed it to a small vent at the opposite side of my cell. There was a clinking noise until the pebble hit the floor.


Fear struck my heart as I sat up straight. I was awfully jumpy for a thief. I didn't have a weapon near me, so I relied on my fists as I tossed another pebble into the vent.

"Gods, Y/N stop! Come over here, now."


I tiptoed over to the vent and peered down. I could feel myself grin nearly ear to ear as I saw Mercer with a handful of lockpicks waiting for me. He pushed one through the bars.

"Unlock the vent. Hurry up."

I nodded, quickly working on doing as he said. Riften's security was horrible,  and being able to unlock the vent and slip into the sewer way below proved so.

Mercer pulled me into a quick hug, sneaking a feel of my rear before tugging me along. He swiftly made his way through the sewer and back to the tavern.

"Wait here, I'm going to grab your stuff."

"Don't get caught, you'd be as bad as I am."

Mercer rolled his eyes at me before jogging back into the darkness of the ratway. I decided that a good old mug of Honningbrew mead would calm my nerves. I greeted the other guild members after entering the Ragged Flagon.

"Welcome back lass! It seems like you're spending more time with the guards than us!" Brynjolf laughed and handed me a drink.

"Yeah, luck hasn't been on my side lately. Must have pissed Nocturnal off."

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