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I'm gonna be homest and say I don't know too much about Ralof since I usually go with Hadvar, however I would say that his ideal date is simply going fishing with you in Riverwood.


Hadvar would love nothing more than traveling to Solitude with you. He'd show you around the city and would try to convince you to join the legion, if you aren't a legionnaire already.


General Tullius does not have much freetime. You most likely met the man through being the dragonborn and by the civil war. After getting higher up in the legion, you'd spend your time together by discussing politics or by you just following him around Castle Dour.


His ideal date would simply be eating a nice romantic dinner. It would only be the two of you, and you'd spend more time laughing and joking than you would eating. He'd have dimly lit candles and flowers all over the table as well.


Rikke would be very focused on the legion, even after the war has ended. You also wouldn't spend much time together, but the time you do spend together would be filled with making fun of each other and being attached by the hip. You wouldn't leave each others side until you had to.


Assuming you are also a Stormcloak, Galmar would take you hunting, or would take you to go and kill some "imperial bastards".


Farkas is an absolute sweetheart. He would just love spending any time with you, but I think that he would like to cook or talk walks around Whiterun hold with you.


Vilkas is a bigger dick than his brother, so he would spend his time with you by making up stupid bets or competitions. He'd also take you hunting, in a competition to take down the biggest animal. Everything is a competition for him.


Considering that you too are probably a werewolf, Aela would take you hunting and you both would run around the plains of Skyrim as werewolves. Of course this would he in secret.


Mercer is a busy man, and isn't a romantic person. Even getting him to open up to you would be a challenge. So, he'd spend his time with you purely with sex. Late at night, when everyone else is out working or napping. He'd force you to be silent, as a part of "training."


Brynjolf is a huge flirt, and would take you shopping. Of course, this would be his version of shopping. You'd wander around the shop, not buying anything yet returning home with pockets full of treats.


Delvin never leaves the flagon, so he would do nothing but get you both drunk and mess around and joke for an evening


He'd spend his time with you by showing you his forge, or he'd want to travel and see the guild in Skyrim. As much as he hated his past, he would sacrifice that for you.


She'd take you along with her on her jobs, even if you aren't in the thieves guild. You'd be her little helper, and basically the girl's bodyguard.


He would ask if it was alright if he went along with you on some contracts the night mother assigned. Otherwise he'd simply enjoy the both of you torturing the poor souls in the Dawnstar sanctuary.


Killing spree is ideal, but he's so head over heals for his listener that even just following you as you wandered around Skyrim would make the jester happy.


Much like Cicero, Serana loves just spending time with you. She's been stuck in a cave for literally thousands of years, and traveling with you gives her more life than she ever had before.


As also being released from his prison of thousands of years, Miraak appreciates most time spent with you, doing whatever. I think that he would want to spend more time in Solstheim, especially visiting Dwarven ruins in order to know their secrets.


I also think Marcurio's ideal date would be excavating a Dwarven ruin, or a Nordic ruin (if we wasn't already an expert on Nordic history). If he wasn't able to do that, he would want to teach you or to show you his magic.


I don't know much about Sero, but I think that he would love to travel around Tamriel with you and have picnics at the most beautiful locations. Just not Windhelm. He doesn't like Windhelm.

*I didn't add astrid bc fuck astrid i genuinely DO NOT like her!! yes shes a milf but i cannot stand her!!!!!

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