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the way i posted this before it was even done by accident- if u read it no u didn't grrrr

imperial mage reader, just a fyi :)


"You know they won't let you in."

Marcurio shook his head at me as he spoke. We were sat on a bench near the shrine of Talos in Whiterun. The sun was bright today and warmed my skin. The gentle sounds of water running through the aqueducts of the city was peaceful. I turned my gaze to the Imperial man beside me, rolling my eyes at him before talking back.

"How do you know?" I frowned over at my friend, crossing my arms.

"Most Nords already hate mages and anything to do with magic. The companions are Nords who have a schtick for tradition, the old Nord ways, and knocking each other the head with clubs. Why would they want or need a mage in their faction?"

"A mage who's degree is in Restoration, Marcurio," I corrected him. "That's why they'd want me. Fewer scars."

I wasn't sure why I wanted to join the Companions so bad. Part of it was from hearing everyone in Whiterun talk about how great they were. Fralia, Eorland, even Balgruuf constantly praised the warriors. I was curious to see what the hype was about.

Or maybe it was because of him.


"Excuse me, do you know where Dragonsreach is?"

The guard, dressed in a yellow cuirass and matching helmet, pointed up. I was confused about what he meant before noticing the large and extravagant palace above us. Those in Riverwood were right, I just had to keep going up. I thanked the guard, apologized for my dumbass-ery, and went on my way.

The city of Whiterun was beautiful. It was simple compared to the cities in Cyrodiil and had a very home-y charm to it. It was known for being the cosmopolitan city of Skyrim, and the trading hub. Whiterun was also known for the Gildergreen, which sadly looked as though it had been dead for thousands of years.

I stopped for a moment to run my fingers across the bark of the tree. It was sad seeing Kynareth's child dead. I took off my amulet and placed it onto the soft soil below me. I couldn't dwell on the poor tree, I had a mission.

Standing up, I took in my surroundings for a moment. The citizens of Whiterun were diverse. Women, children, men, mer, hunks...

A man in strange armor trudged up a flight of stairs that led to an even stranger-looking building. It looked as if a boat had been turned upside down and attempted to be made into a home. There were holes in the boathouse's roof, and it looked as though it could come down any moment. It looked much different than the other buildings in town. It stuck out like a sore thumb. I walked towards the boathouse and called out to the man.


He paused and turned to face me. I felt my face grow red and became aware that I was in nothing but bloody, burnt, crusty clothes that were days old.


The man was tall. That was the first thing I noticed. Large, too. He was incredibly muscular, with dark hair that stuck to his sweat-covered face. His bright, blue-grey eyes stuck out in comparison to his nearly black hair. He looked as though he wanted to be intimidating, but came across as gentle. A deep, raspy voice matched his physical looks perfectly. His armor hugged his body in ways that made me wonder if he was even able to take it off. He was an incredibly good-looking man.

I was finally able to muster up a sentence.

"I like your armor."

The man's eyes widened a bit at me. I couldn't tell if it was from my questionable appearance, or from something else. I noticed his face grow pink as he rubbed the back of his neck.

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