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*vampire reader, and sorry for being gone for so long, I've not felt very inspired and ive been felt very good lmao


Brynjolf squirmed and tugged against his restraints, biting his lip and bucking his hips up. I laughed and rolled my eyes as I tugged off my top before tossing it aside.

I made sure to be extra slow as I stripped myself of my other clothing. I made sure they were in a neat pile before turning attention to my precious and patient boyfriend.

He had begged for this. He had not stopped talking about this for weeks. Months. I couldn't even remember when he started his obsession with this. I finally caved in, and decided that I would turn him. If Brynjolf didn't like it, there was always Falion.

I had been a vampire for nearly a century. Nobody knew though, as I was good at keeping it hidden and good enough at lying that everyone just suspected I was odd. Which wasn't entirely wrong. I did eventually tell Brynjolf my secret, after dating the man for nearly 6 years. He was shocked, of course, but made a joke of the entire thing.

He immediately asked if his blood smelled good, and if I knew a "dracula". I had not feed on anyone since my initial turning, and relied on Blood Potions or animal blood instead. Sure, he smelled alright but not enough that it would tempt me to bite him. I also had no clue who he was talking about.

After he proceeded to make fun of me, he decided that it was only fair if I turned him. Something about soulmates and everlasting love. I was incredibly against the idea. It was very easy to kill someone in the process of turning them. Vampires had a hard time knowing their limits, and I knew that it would be even harder for me.

Thus, he begged me for months. Everday the topic of either blood, vampires, or necks came up in our conversations. He'd also just outright plead and beg for me to, saying that it would be hot and we could make something sexy out of it. I avoided the conversation as much as possible, until I decided that it would be easiest to give the ginger brat what he wanted.

Tonight, he brought the topic up. Gave me the pros and cons, and gave an entire speech about how much he loved me. I was touched, but knew that he also could have been lying. Regardless I dragged him to our bedroom and tied him down to the bed. Little did he know I planned this too.

Luckily enough, Brynjolf wasn't wearing anything I couldn't replace. I felt no remorse as I grabbed a pair of scissors and cut away his tunic. His quick and shallow breathing, along with his erection told me how much he was enjoying this.

I examined the pile of my clothes I laid out earlier and turned back to Brynjolf.

"Are you ready, honey? Are you 100% sure you want to do this?"

Bryn's brain must have been going a thousand miles an hour, as all I got was a groan in response as his mouth hund open.

"Brynjolf, this isn't some sex fantasy you can brag to Delivn about later. This is a real commitment, with real affects. Do you even know what you're going to tell people when they ask why you look different?"

"I'll tell them I'm goth."

"I already tried that excuse, it doesn't work. Trust me." I rolled my eyes at him as I climbed into his lap.

Precum was seeping from his tip now, and I tried my best to ignore it as Brynjolf grinded against me and I tried not to chuckle. He was a mess underneath me.

"I'm an excellent sweet talker, Y/N. Even if I don't have an excuse now, I'll think of one. I just want to spend as much time with you as I can. Even if that means I'm basically Molag Bal's bitch."

I smiled softly and leaned down to peck his lips. He was such a cocky dick, but I knew he meant well. As much as I hated to admit it, he was the light of my life. I was happier than I had been in a long time.

"Fine. But you're the one going to Falion if you decide you don't like it."

Brynjolf rolled his eyes at me and tugged once more at the leather straps I used to tie his hands to the bedpost. If they weren't tied they'd definitely be on my hips, slamming me up and down his dick.

I decided he had enough teasing and slowly slid down onto him. His eyes quickly shut and he grinned and hummed in content. The horny bastard.

Things quickly grew heated as I rocked and bounced atop him, making sure the man did none of the work. I figured that it was only fair. Brynjolf groaned once more and warned me he was growing close.

Truthfully, I wasn't sure when exactly I wanted to turn him. This was a last minute decision, and I hoped he'd be okay as I kissed his neck and pierced the soft skin with my teeth. I had never done this before, and prayed I was doing it correctly.

Brynjolf struggled under me both from orgasming and the pain of Sanguinare Vampiris, and my heart broke as he yelled. I cringed and  gently pinned him down in order to stop him from hurting himself. He slowly stopped squirming, and slipped into slumber. I didn't mind not finishing myself, if it meant Bryn would be okay.

I regretted ever caving in, but undid the leather straps and tossed them to the floor. I pulled the furs on our bed over him and gently healed the marks on his wrists, or any other marks I left on his body.

I snuggled up against him and fell asleep to the sounds of his breathing.


"Now what in the world happened to you, Bryn?"

I yawned, ordering a sweet roll from Vekel. Delvin was the first to notice the changes Brynjolf had as he emerged into the Flagon.

Not much had changed, but just enough did that if you spent every day with him you would notice. He was already pale, and his hair stayed the same. However his eyes shone a yellow red color, and his veins were prominent and dark, along with his dark circles. He looked dead. In a way he was dead.

Brynjolf laughed and asked what Delvin meant. Others in the tavern turned and watched as he was handed a mirror, and his eyes shot open. He glanced at me. I shrugged, as I had already warned him of all the side effects. Brynjolf cleared his throat and set the mirror down.

"Lad, everyone else. I have an announcement to make."

I wondered how many people actually cared, since it just looked like Brynjolf caught the worst cold ever and put in some ugly contact lenses. However, I was worried his blab off and expose me, or make an ass out of himself.

"what's this announcement then boss?" Delvin crossed his arms.

I groaned and set my onto the table as  Brynjolf spoke.

"I'm now goth. As per Y/N's suggestion."

Delvin and the others laughed, and went right back to what they were soing. I was right that nobody cared, or they all thought he fell victim to a dare, as he often did. I punched his shoulder before pulling him into a hug.

He as a complete idiot, but he was my idiot.

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